Zeena Singh Archives - Eastern Mirror
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Zeena Singh

That which makes Her a Mother

To be honoured, are Mothers. May, the month when Mother’s are remembered the world over and celebrated. Nurturing, gentle, selfless, bearing unconditional love for her own; protective; tirelessly longsuffering; silently leading, is what she is defi...

06 May 2017

Dawning Marvels

Dawning Marvels # 1 Perched high on our white wooden gate, I could spend the most amusingly enjoyable moments of findings, innumerable scenes of perfect pleasure and happenings from my panoramic view while the hours slipped by. One of my first discov...

29 Apr 2017

Of The Moment

  Photographs are mementos, reminders, keepsakes of that one special moment or occasion which we’d like to capture and preserve for a life time. Held precious because it transports us back to a particular experience, as simple as it might have...

23 Apr 2017

Of that Once Blithe Spirit

  ‘Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain…..’ …just the thing I’ve been doing for over twenty four hours … listening to the sound of it fall, interspersed by deep bass rumbles of thunder as accompaniment; torrential downpours easin...

08 Apr 2017

Set Apart – appreciatively

Not once but times enough for me to sit up and heed what was being said. “ You, out of so many around me, reacted differently… and I think I know why, it is because of who you are.. you are …….” “….After what had been done to their son,...

26 Mar 2017

Visualization and its Power

Says Wikepedia – “Visualization through visual imagery has been an effective way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of humanity.” “………how do we respond to these challenges and move in the direction of our...

19 Mar 2017

And My Cup Overflows

  My cup overflows… I find words only enough to say ‘Thank You’… “Thank you” yet seems so routine… so monotonous… so ordinary. So much more that I want to express. Only YOU, Lord, can comprehend the depth of my gr...

11 Mar 2017

Of Treats Divine

  …. “All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air…lots of chocolates for me to eat”…sang Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady……. “Warm face, warm hands, warm feet and… woo…uldn’t it be loverly…..” A littl...

04 Mar 2017

Of Rain – 2

In approximately the same time, two years ago, I saw the first showers of Rain after winter, in appreciation of its arrival at the dawn of springtime, had compared it to Hope…. saying…. “Hope is like the Rain… Hope is looking forward to a new...

25 Feb 2017

Of Love so Surreal – so Real

……Loved enough to be zeroed in up on, restructured re-shaped and beautified. I stand on training ground and look at every moment of opportune feeling totally indebted at been given the opportunity to encounter and sweat over exertions which I cho...

12 Feb 2017

Of the Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Paper is now considered trash. …or is it? -The very question that popped into my mind, as I found myself elbow-deep into de-cluttering my piles of files and folders from the past. High school-day memoirs, college-day jot-down’s, bills and reminde...

28 Jan 2017

Of a Chore in a Happy Tone

As a reaction to an action – no face can remain glum ever, nor spirit never be lifted in response to the sound of music in the ear. It cheers a broken heart, unburdens a heavy load, breaks the spell of severe solemnity no matter how stern, and ...

14 Jan 2017

Of Sentimental Value

Leaving the old behind I step into the New with dogged determination resolute and determined to hold fast, just as I do at the dawn of every New Year, to another resolution. To lose the squirrel in me it is, this time around. What is normally a strug...

08 Jan 2017

Of The Labour of Love

‘Singing for my supper’ it seemed like, or perhaps more to fulfill the adage ‘hard work pays good dividends’. That is exactly what we grew up in the knowledge of, living the reality come gift- receiving time – here it being birthdays in...

17 Dec 2016

Stations abuzz

Some of the most appreciated of the sights and sounds that I would so look forward to were the ones I experienced on my journey by train. So keenly and zealously recorded and firmly stored, in a memory of one’s younger days does not erase so easily...

10 Dec 2016

Of Unhurried Deliberate

  The ring of bells …..a bell to wake up, another for meals, one for study hour, another for classes to begin and one to mark the end of a class period; a bell to assemble, a bell to pause for grace after meals ….. had always, from a young a...

26 Nov 2016

Preparation of Thanksgiving

  ‘Seven days of preparing our hearts for Thanksgiving!’ I read, and memories flooded my mind of what Harvest Thanks giving Day was for me as a child. It was the day when we gave up our fruit (served at Lunch) and brought it to church as an ...

19 Nov 2016

Of That Extra Mile

Crucial! predominantly, at this point in time. ‘Going that Extra Mile’, I would like to believe had its origin in Matthew Chapter 5 ,verse 41 of the Bible; An adaptation of Jesus’ commandment in the Sermon of the Mount ..which reads…..“And ...

12 Nov 2016

In Appreciation…of the Simple Pleasures of Life

Hello folks, I believe that life has so much to give if only we cared to give a little thought to the most minuscule of joys (which we’d find so much of) only if we’d stop looking at the looming discomforts and discontents. So here I am, to share...

05 Nov 2016

In Appreciation…of the Simple Pleasures of Life

Hello folks, I believe that life has so much to give if only we cared to give a little thought to the most minuscule of joys (which we’d find so much of) only if we’d stop looking at the looming discomforts and discontents. So here I am, to share...

29 Oct 2016

Of ( Good) Company

3 am in the morning, jostled out of my sleep by an odd thought was very disquieting and unsettling. It did a quick spin, darted around and had me up and out of bed in a snap of the fingers. It stuck fast. Worrying, confusing and so nagging-ly persist...

15 Oct 2016

Of the Yellow & Black

IN a Job that required me to be out-of-doors rather than in, I recall a certain part of my life wherein a fair percentage of my time was spent journeying the city in Cabs, better addressed as a Taxi. I had tagged the whole lot of people behind the wh...

08 Oct 2016

The ‘Click’

WANDERING, aimlessly most often, is top on his list of favourites, or so it usually appears. Loitering in admiration of nature’s lovliness or soaking in sights and sounds in the environs with direct single-minded concentration and alacrity, is his ...

01 Oct 2016

One Moment in Time – Not a Paradigm

Zip! Zap! Zoom! Not Batman, nor Supergirl, just me, doing the race against time! The simulated peculiar Road – Runner type of a compulsive animated action (You know what I mean). The days when somehow you miss the warning wake-up ring of the alarm ...

24 Sep 2016

In Appreciation… of the Simple Pleasures of Life

Of Choices That which we can make, between imagined options as in a.. “what would I do if …?” or as often has to be made at a virtual crossroad …. “ what do I do now” ……? Choices may be complex, based on variou...

11 Sep 2016
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