Of Love So Surreal – So Real - Eastern Mirror
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Zeena Singh

Of Love so Surreal – so Real

By EMN Updated: Feb 12, 2017 1:09 am

……Loved enough to be zeroed in up on, restructured re-shaped and beautified.
I stand on training ground and look at every moment of opportune feeling totally indebted at been given the opportunity to encounter and sweat over exertions which I choose to take as wonderful experiences that give me greater know-how’s to becoming seamlessly ‘just right’.
A day at a time, moment by moment, step by step is the drive that edges me forward with full verve and vivacity.
‘How do you do it ?’ comes the question. ‘Not I’ of this I am certain. But the one that wills it for me.
What is my absolute confident persuasion of this ?
My surefire, unquestionable response remains my whole reliance on what comes straight at me from the truth of God’s word and which I once again present as an appreciation, simple and precious in:
Philippians 4: 13 “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. “
Isaiah 40 : 31 – “But they that wait upon the Lord, Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.”
Psalm 18: 32 It is God who girdeth me with strength and maketh my way perfect.”
2 Timothy 4: 17” Notwithstanding, the Lord stood by me, and strengthened me…..”
A love ‘greater far than pen or tongue could ever tell…..’
It holds true. As true as I live it day to day. As true as God has brought me forth from the count of one. As true as I experience His hand of care, His blessings in the tiniest but oh-so-significant to-me, means and ways which may not appear as a grand scale declaration but so unquestionably steadfast and sure.
Such an immense revelation are the surprises as they unfurl before me in an array of diverse colours –they leave me blinded and elated. At times astounded, I gape taken aback and then I hear a prompting that directs me to graciously receive what has been bestowed.
Learn I must, to do so on bended knee, for I know it is not for who I am nor what I do but for the vast immeasureable thing called ‘LOVE’ incomparable in form and which can be sourced from none else but the One who calls me His child.

By EMN Updated: Feb 12, 2017 1:09:26 am
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