Mama’s Special (s) - Eastern Mirror
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Zeena Singh

Mama’s Special (s)

By EMN Updated: May 13, 2017 6:32 pm


I am a hundred percent sure that almost every child has a recollection of something that could be termed exceptional only to his or her Mother. Not necessarily to be seen as things extraordinary at a mention but which is singularly hers ; special because it is uniquely and distinctively her individual trademark.

Today dear readers, as a Mother’s Day Special, I would like you to join in with me on a ‘flash back’ journey of our mothers. You on yours and I on mine, but together the intent remains – reminisces exclusive.

With every cuddle came warmth secure and a waft,

the fragrance signatured to be Mum’s alone.

Hands which I’d measure my tiny ones to, tracing every line and shape,

resemblances of it I now find in my own.


Intrigued by the way she washed her face, a style distinctive of only her,

every move I memorized.

Patient poring over patterns and designs her fingers deftly picked ,

stylish displays her sewing, darning and knitting glamorized.


Every task begun was carried thoroughly through, irrespective of time;

Her fear? lest she leave the world with work half done.

She’d mother true to the very word a needy child

and as for beast, four-footed and winged,

she’d open her doors to species regardless, under the sun.


Jarred Jams and Jellies in her store, delightful baked goodies,

She stocked  for her daughters four.

A number one, her pickle of pork, it was such a raging hit

Whoever tasted always asked, -‘could we get some more ? ’


Firm was her glare and firmer still

at conduct disapproving

Nothing escaped her eye at once

She’d spot, that which needed a cleaning


Lessons in plenty resound in my ear, but one I think I can recall

‘Hold fast’ Mum always said ‘ to what’s in your hand, NEVER let it fall ‘.

Taking my dog for a walk that day, some vegetables I had bought

My dog met his arch- rivaled grouch, and try as I must to keep them apart

I stumbled with an aching ‘Ouch’

The curtain fell on that morning show- me on my dog flat on the floor

Veggies still in hand, (please note) and the dog leash firmly secure

‘Now, that’s my daughter ! Mum must have beamed  I’m sure.

I fell, but my Mother’s teaching I had learnt well.









By EMN Updated: May 13, 2017 6:32:45 pm
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