My Kick-start Friend - Eastern Mirror
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Zeena Singh

My Kick-start Friend

By EMN Updated: May 20, 2017 11:33 pm

In my moments of lows and listlessness, it picks me up. Fills me with comforting warmth when I am cold and lonesome; perks up my thinking and mental alacrity, beside me, morning, noon or night, sharing in my little victories and biggest defeats .

Whether I want a little or a lot of it, whether I need it strong or mild, hot or cold, it’s there doing what it does best, cheering me on, both at work and leisure. My Cup of Coffee! Source of my energy boost.

My closer acquaintance with coffee began some time on the job, when a ready cup awaited me every single morning as part of office perks. There it would stand ready to begin its work as soon as I would take my first sip of it. Irrelevant of whether I really wanted it or not, it turned out to be a definite need, an uplifting source of warmth for my freezing fingers from the cold air-conditioning blast.

Ever heard of a Sunday headache? I had developed one. Before long, much earlier than I could realize, I discovered my attachment to coffee was not a very healthy one. The one day off work was my worst day ever. I missed my coffee so!

The signs and symptoms were not good. I was hooked. The decision was made. Gently I eased and distanced myself from my cuppa.

I missed my source of warmth. Where could I defrost ?Could something else placate the lack ?

Soon my mornings were spent with hands cupped around another. This time around it was a cup of Tea.

Warmth radiated once more and I began to melt.

Alas, my joy was but short-lived. I noticed that I could hardly ever sip my way through to the end. The comfort would almost always end half—way through, the cold creeping in quicker than expected.

Surely all did not have to be helplessly hopeless, did it?

Years rolled by and I got on quite alright with other hot drinks – Cocoa and Hot chocolate soon were added to my list.

My cupboard now shelved every one of them – them that filled in my much sought need and want of a supply of warmth and energy.

Here I pause. I pause to take a deep breath, because it is here that I must let you into my secret –this, that all along I had not lost my contact with coffee entirely. The ties were loosened but not severed. Whenever given a choice, I would more often than not make a beeline for coffee, almost always making it my preference out of the others offered. This was done, in full conscious awareness, and a deliberate attempt at not allowing it to come closer than would make me comfortable.

And now? Now I cannot even state precisely what exactly happened – but guess what ?

It’s coffee every morning once more !

To come forth with the truth, I have to say that despite all my endeavours of keeping it at arm’s length, to my own astonishment it has snuck in, finding its way to the top.

What about my Sunday headaches you say? I am doubly astounded at the revelation that they don’t exist.

Right at this moment, as I put to writing my sentiment, the aromatic waft of my coffee brew drifts up from my cup at hand and I close my eyes look heaven ward and whisper a ‘thank you’ for the savouring treats that is sent our way.

By EMN Updated: May 20, 2017 11:33:45 pm
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