If He would come back today
Those who consider themselves Christians, often pray the prayer from the last book of Revelation (22:20) “Amen, Even so come, Lord Jesus,”. Meaning, He promised His disciples and those who would follow Him, He would indeed return to this earth, quickly (in a quick way, WHEN He returns). Why? To gather what He calls His bride, the Glorious Church, AKA the Body of Christ. Consisting of all those that truly believe in Him because they are the ones that follow what He said to do when He left 2000+ years ago.
The reason we pray those kind of prayers is because things seem to get so bad, so hopeless, whether in our own life or in society at large, that the only way out seem to be to just leave this planet with Him and let Him fix this mess and we want Him to come now, misunderstanding the term “soon”.
However, is that what He wants to come back for? A hopeless mess? And take up that kind of the Body of Christ as a bride to Himself? A dark spotted, wrinkled, blemished bride? If you would marry someone would you men, want to marry a bride like that? Or you girls, would you want to be a groom like that?
Or can we have an honest look at our own society, mark the spots, wrinkles and blemishes and just clean it up the way He instructs us too? And do so in unity?
Ask yourselves, if He would come back today, could we look Him straight in the face or would we hang our head in shame?
Therefore is it the right prayer to utter that now: “Amen, Lord come quickly?”. Or is it better to pray first: “Lord, have mercy. Give us a chance and time to clean up the Body of Christ you died for so the Naga bride can be the Glorious beautiful bride you died and suffered for! And all that want to, can be part of that bride “My prayer is the second one. I know there are still people He wants to give a chance too to get themselves right before Him before we come to the point of no return, which is the moment He is back here to claim His inheritance- Us. And that “us” should include all you say you love. And all those that are still to be reached.
The Church got born 2000 years ago. No one gets born as an adult or full grown man or woman. Just as all of us had to grow up, so did the Church. Since the time of inception, it had time to grow up.
What happened though? A grown up man or woman, knows how to make his own decisions, yet works together in harmony with others to fulfil their responsibilities and duties in their family, neighbourhood and society at large.
But, I wonder how many “carpets” we have in this beautiful Nagaland. Where are the “whistle blowers” to ring the bell that something is not right in their school, their office, their company, their college, their clubs, prayer houses and churches. It seems speaking up has a big cost that not many are willing to pay. Carpets seem to be an easy place for crimes and misdeeds — that are rampant in our society — to be swept under. Jesus called offences for what it was. He stood for Holiness and righteousness and had no issue to call out the Pharisees, Scribes, Sadducees, Rabbi’s, and sinners of that day and expose their transgressions. Why? So they had a chance to repent. He carried no “carpets”. And those who wanted to repent, did so beautifully, got restored and forgiven. Although admonished by Jesus to undo the damage done.
Is there hope for us here in our State? Starting with ourselves, can we clean up our lives, and help others clean up theirs, before either the law catches up with us, or before He returns?
Morris Cerullo, a mighty man of God, Evangelist, Apostle and Prophet, who lived in the last century and beginning of this one, gave some encouraging words and prophecies before He left, which seem to be very relevant for all of us today in our State.
We can still turn around. If we go His way and stop going our own “broad” way. And do it in the unity of the Spirit instead of a man-made unity.
The first-born church was characterised by two beautiful traits: The first one was “Agape love”, the God kind of love that puts God and others first at all times and does things for their brothers and sisters and those in need without expecting anything back. It made them work in unity, the unity of the Spirit that Jesus and the Father had. The second one was they were anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit, which gave them the boldness to do what Jesus had commanded them to do. Jesus warned them they would be reviled, persecuted, slandered and more just like He had been, but standing together in the Spirit would help them get through any circumstance. Have we grown up since that first born Church was birthed or have we become a retarded bride, shying away from standing up for His righteousness, His Holiness. Are we standing up for each other, helping each other to grow up?
Morris Cerullo prophesied that at this last harvest time a new strength and loyalty would come into the Body of Christ. That He would not depend on what we possessed but what we would let Him make of us. Our job right now is to BE His brightness, His Glory, and show the world one last time that God is who he claims to be in His Word. Who will sign up for this last move, roll up their sleeves and say: “I am in! Do what You Jesus, want to do through me. Use me in whatever capacity is needed till the job is done!”
If that is you, shout with me: “AMEN, So be it!”
Start today and do not stop till He says so!