MONDAY, MARCH 03, 2025



Published on Mar 20, 2015



Music is a way we can belt, hook on to that influence and we feel music with our entire feelings. With Rhythm of Love Eastern Mirror connects our readers to music in conversation with artists as they share their experience with their love ……. music. Music moves us, opens our emotions passing all barriers. Music is a piece that we all can connect with so Readers get connected with your favorite artists with the Rhythm of Love. On Fridays, Eastern Mirror will feature Artists/bands from the state and outside while promoting MUSIC-the present craze of the state.Eastern Mirror (EM): What was the inspiration and idea originally behind the formation of your band? Testify: Everybody has a testimony. The band members consist of six different individuals who has come together to give the message of love, hope and peace in this distorted society. Many youngsters today are dying with the coming of modernization. The social, moral and ethical values are degrading and hence, having common concern for this generation, we (Testify) through our music desires to testify and reach out to them. EM: What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover? Testify: Our songs are about the various issues confronting us in our daily lives. It could be about as simple as personal issues or as complex yet relevant as social issues, with special emphasis on Christian values. EM: If you could collaborate with anybody in the industry, who would you choose and why? Testify: Nise Meruno, because not only is he a renowned musician but also a great musician. And classical music is something our band has not tried so far, so we would love to collaborate with him. EM: How tough would you say it is to carve out a career in music industry especially in Nagaland? Testify: We see that the band’s glory is just when they win a contest, receive cash and then they just vanish. Though some people and government are trying their best in uplifting the local musicians, we think there can be a lot of individual efforts in creating and making good music without having to copy from others. With originality in songwriting and composition, there can be a lot of advantages in making it even to the national and international level. When we look at some great artists from Nagaland, we can see their originality in every composition they make. However, it is tough to carve out a career in music industry in Nagaland. For many Naga musicians, music is not their sole profession. In fact, musician in Nagaland pursue music only because they are passionate about it by birth and not as a profession. International musicians make millions because music is a huge marketing industry for them. EM: What is the chemistry like with your fellow band mates? Testify: None of us are of the same age and so our musical taste differs. So basically what we try to do is experiment with all kinds of music and even blends them together. And despite our age differences, what binds us together is that we are all from the theological background with the same goal which is to testify. EM: Where did you first perform as a band and your first original? Testify: Our first ever performance was at Ahuna feast, 2012 in Zunheboto and our first original was ‘Fight the good fight’. EM: What do you believe you can contribute to the youths through your music? Testify: Music is a strong channel for communicating messages. Through our songs, we give the message of fighting the good fight, keeping our minds pure and clean. Our doings today becomes a history tomorrow and thus, every step should be carefully taken so that we will not live a regretful life. We also encourage the young people to abstain from all evil habits and give the meaning of love, hope and peace through our songs.