The sea is calm tonight.
The sky lit wit’ stars bright.
My lonely Voyage continues,
Guided only by heavenly clues.
Captain of my own soul,
I’d chosen to heed the call
Of my destiny from the deep;
And I’d keep sailing ere I sleep.
Deadly storms I’ve faced
Had faith & hope replaced
By clouds of despair and rage;
Proved too costly for my voyage.
Anchor’d for many moons;
Idly living out cursed boons
In an island of vain pleasures.
Bartered off life’s true treasures.
Wretched but still alive,
Sought the Lord to revive
The soul of a wrecked vessel,
That it may once again take sail.
Adieu, island of vanity!
I have regained my sanity.
Ye caused my sins to mature;
Robbed my age, not my future!
Thus I bid thee farewell,
And leave wit’ a tale to tell,
As I continue with my venture
That would lead me to my future.
The sea is calm tonight.
My vessel casts a sore-sight.
The winds may turn unfriendly,
But I must keep on sailing bravely.
A. Anato Swu
Satakha Town, Zunheboto