Published on Jul 16, 2022
Dimapur, July 15 (EMN): Observing sporadic rise of dengue fever cases migrating from other districts and states in recent years, Wokha division of National Centre for Vector Borne Disease Control (NCVBDC) observed anti-dengue month in the month of July with the main objective of create awareness to the citizens.
With the increase of dengue fever in the state and a few diagnosis of dengue fever in the District Hospital, Wokha, alerted NCVBDC to be active in case and vector surveillance during the peak of transmission during monsoon. The programme also started taking measures to mitigate the dengue disease by control of source reduction and regular usage of long lasting insecticide nets (LLIN).
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=6]An update from NCVBDC stated that during the control period of the anti-dengue month, the district carried out poster campaign in the whole of Wokha town as part of IEC/ BCC activity to create awareness to the citizens of the district. It was followed with public announcement in all the colonies of Wokha town and several other adjacent villages and inter-personal communication.
It stated that an awareness programme was also conducted at the office of District Vector Borne Officer (DVBO) with the stakeholders of the districts. During the programme, Dr. K William Humtsoe, district vector borne officer, highlighted the importance of source reduction and regular usage of LLIN and asked the community leaders to carry out cleanliness drive.
Orientation training was also conducted for the urban ASHA, wherein they were taught on preventive control of breeding grounds in their vicinity. They were asked to take up measures of eradicating the vectors by cleaning and removal of breeding sites and monitor the usage of LLIN in their respective jurisdiction.