Published on Feb 13, 2024
DIMAPUR — Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Dimapur, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Medziphema, conducted a field day on toria (TS-36) cultivation at Urra village on Monday.
According to an update, Dr. Phool Kumari, Senior Scientist and Head of KVK, informed the participants about how the KVK office can assist the farming community, school dropouts, educated unemployed, and self-help groups through various programmes such as on-farm testing, frontline demonstrations, trainings, and awareness programmes.
Dr.BendanglaImsong, Chief Technical Officer (Plant Breeding), discussed the package of practices for toria cultivation and encouraged farmers to embrace high-yielding and improved varieties to enhance production.
A farmer who received the toria seeds (TS-36) expressed satisfaction with the variety's performance. He emphasised the importance of timely seed availability for achieving higher returns.
Dr.Moanaro highlighted the significance of Nutri-Sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovation (NARI) and selected interested beneficiaries to participate in NARI activities at Urra village.
A total of 28 participants, including officials from KVK, Agri, ATMA, and progressive farmers, took part in the field day programme.
Also read: KVK conducts animal health camp at New Peren village