
Gender Inequality: The Role of a Mother

Published on Feb 25, 2024




In any given society in order to prosper, a well ordered family is desirable to bring change. Family is the backbone of constructing a well- balanced environment. And it is the mother who plays a prominent role in the upbringing of a child. She is the first teacher to her kids. There is no other person staying close to the heart of her child than a mother. She knows the true calling and nature of her child when the unborn infant was still in her womb. Counting each day to see the change, nurturing every single possibility to bring the best out of the child. Nobody can replace the role of a mother like a woman. The mother is the mirror and the father is the frame. We ardently need the two set without degrading the other. This is the true metaphor of a highly valued society. Since no one knows the child better than his mother, the behaviour of a mother has a lasting impact on the development of a child all through his/her lifetime. This is one of the greatest gifts, a mother has to her husband and children.

A Mother is the best teacher. She stays connected with her children more than the father. Looking into her true calling, she has a tremendous say on the construct of Gender Inequality in the society. Desirably to say, the Mother and women are the root cause of the subservient status of the other. Knowing her tremendous role, does she teach the values of the importance of respect to her children. Failed parenting is one of the root causes of gender issues. Rearing up a child is in your hand, your responsibility from God. Inform your sons about the sacredness of pregnancy, menstruation, maternity problems, raising a family, the value of kitchen work. Teach them the joy of respecting a woman. Today, I’m speaking for every woman who forgot to resonate their true power. Statistically, in the recent year the number of women in higher education progressed more than men. Where are those educated women? Where are those voices? Today, we are connected individually and collectively together as one ( both men and women) not divided to change. Moving towards a brighter future which we will not quiet. 

Raise your daughter differently. Give access to education because it will empower her to know her rights and enable her to raise her voice. When I was younger, my mom always said to our sisters, “ I will not give you wealth;  but I will give you education”. This rings true in our heart. I was able to access my rights through education, not with wealth. Women remember that your priorities are also outside of the kitchen. Speak for yourself- You for your voice. Mother, your duty is to teach her to know how to claim  her rights and fulfill her duties in joining assemblies, sharing her opinion. Women you said to other women- she shouldn’t speak up, she has to stay calm. Not necessarily mean hate speeches or unnecessary talks. Staying silent is what you call the feminine beauty. The very character of feminine doesn’t mean- you have to stay silent but raise your voice for other women- for daughters, daughter- in- laws. If you are not raising your voice, they will raise their voice. They will not understand what you need. If you don’t take your seat; someone else will replace you. “ They are making rules for us; We are not making rules for ourselves”. Because we are not courageous enough to speak. Family is the potential of creating a peaceful world. Home chores of Mao Naga women are comparatively much higher than the other tribes. Yet not forgetting a woman has to know, you work like a buffalo but don’t want your husband to share the work. Women run from kitchen, cleaning the rooms, dressing up the kids, waking up early, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, attending parents meeting call, looking after finances, checking their homework,  cook food, etc. She acted mad from head to toe with financial burden. She is called a superwoman, indeed desirable. But what will be the future of your 10 year old daughter who is shortly going to face the new generation. Are you going to give the same old thing to her? Teach her the value of hard- work but it should be treated par respect with man. She said, she is a mother, she shouldn’t put make- up and shouldn’t dress well otherwise the men would suspect you. Proud and inspired to see that women who are strong enough to speak up and share their personal stories. This is telling the young girl that a strong horizon is coming. Women faced untold physical and sexual assault silently. She was suspected, beaten, bearing silently for the sake of her child’ s welfare. She knows that, “He kicks her like an animal, humiliated her infront of her father and brother”. Yet hesitated to defend herself. Remember you are precious and your worth. Your father has handed over you to be with him( husband) in his fatherly moulding. Your children saw it all, repeated the same footsteps with you. The daughter accepts physical assault from her husband, the son followed the father footsteps. Children are more cognitive to behaviour. How long will you stay silent? Do you want to change or do you want to continue? Women put themselves in a box, they don’t want to come out of it.

Despite of frequent rape case, many educated women remain silent. Father’s make laws and their daughters are scared to go out. We know not how to speak for our other sisters. Mother, it is you who fixes the time for her marriage. It is you who says – she is too old without thinking she is looking after you, that’s your problem. It is you who doesn’t create her to be a strong woman. You still didn’t ask for her right to property. After your father dies- someone took the property because you don’t have a son or brother. A mother has to teach her children the values of respecting a daughter, provide her the necessary needs she deserves. She is not a commodity to be used and thrown when necessary from the property domain. She is also another human being. Like men, women need property to survive. Teach your daughter to respect men. A noble woman knows the essence of respect and love. The generation is in great thirst of a godly woman, constantly praying for her people. To deliver and lead them in truth and justice. Start building one another, not being jealous of another daughter to achieve. Uphold the true nature of your calling, then women will climb up the social ladder together with men, not above him nor below him but as a good companion in the establishment of his ideal purpose.

Pf Manini

Research Scholar,  Manipur University, Canchipur

Imphal, Manipur
