Discussion On Mmhonlumo Kikon’s ‘His Majesty’s Headhunters’ Held - Eastern Mirror
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Discussion on Mmhonlumo Kikon’s ‘His Majesty’s Headhunters’ held

By EMN Updated: May 29, 2024 9:02 pm
Mmhonlumo Kikon
Mmhonlumo Kikon speaking at Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, on Wednesday.

DIMAPUR — The Centre for Naga Tribal Language Studies and the department of English, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, organised a special talk by Mmhonlumo Kikon, author of ‘His Majesty’s Headhunters’.

According to a press release, on the occasion, the author discussed pertinent points about the book and stated that his imperative to write the book was not to recall but to “retell” and evoke history and situate the present in the context of the past.

The press release stated that by drawing on the history of neighbouring states such as Manipur, Kikon shed light on the relationship Kohima historically shared with Gambhir Singh and the role he played in the capture of Kohima in the 19th century.

He also spoke about how the Nagas challenged the mighty British with just their weapons of swords and daos. Additionally, he highlighted the Japanese incursions into present-day Kohima and drew similarities between A Z Phizo and Subhash Chandra Bose in their anti-colonialism.

N Das, the head of department of English, delivering the welcoming address, stated that such a book is important for all scholars delving into Naga culture as it provides a good and comprehensive view of Naga history from an insider’s point of view.

By EMN Updated: May 29, 2024 9:02:36 pm
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