Dimapur, July 24 (EMN): Chakhroma Public Organisation (CPO) held its general meeting-cum-induction of new officials for the tenure 2022-2025 at CPO Hall in Chümoukedima on July 23.
The new team would be led by Zhato Kimho as president, Doneizo Khro and Neikhriehu Kense as vice presidents, Kevichatha Secü as general secretary, Abeiü Kuotsu and Thejangukho Yalietsu as joint secretaries, Vimhalie Medom as finance secretary, Rokovor Kuotsu and Kelhouwheto Senotsu as cultural secretaries and Akhotso Kehie as legal advisor.
An update from CPO stated that Vichütolie Mere, convenor of nomination committee, introduced the new officials, while Rev. Lhouzoviu Shüya, pastor of Baptist Church Chümoukedima Village, invoked God’s blessings upon the new officials.
The programme was chaired by Vimhalie Medom, while Kevisikho Sokra, pastor of Union Baptist Church, Chümoukedima Town, said invocation followed by presentation of tenure reports from outgoing president, general secretary and audit committee. The members from Chakhroma Students’ Union (CSU) presented a song, while Abi Yalie, former APO president, exhorted the gathering. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Kelhouwheto Senotsu and mass benediction.