
Zhavame village council celebrates 50th anniversary

Published on Dec 28, 2023



Zhavame village
Women society members presenting a folk song during the 50th anniversary celebration of Zhavame Village Council on Wednesday.

DIMAPUR — Zhavame village council in Phek district celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday today at the public amphitheater ‘Pame Tsüdu’ on the theme "Envisioning for brighter future."

An update from the village council stated that Sova Rhi, the oldest man in the village, attended the event as the special honoured citizen. Addressing the gathering, he urged the citizens of Zhavame to live in unity and harmony. He also called upon the citizens to obey its village leaders and stand together as one.

He also pronounced an elderly blessing and God’s blessings upon the people of Zhavame.

Rhi also unveiled the 50th year monolith during a programme chaired by Lucas Dukru, secretary of village council, while Sarhünyi John Krocha, catechist of St Xavier's Catholic Church, invoked God’s blessings.

The inaugural function was chaired by Deo Movi, member of organising committee, while an invocation prayer was said by Rev. Akha Shupao, pastor of Baptist Church, and the welcome address was delivered by Vivotso Domeh, convener of organising committee.

P Paul Dukru, the longest serving village council chairman, released the jubilee souvenir.

Greeting messages were delivered by Sanyi Krocha, former chairman, and Medovi Rhi, president Naga Students’ Federation (NSF).

Folk tunes were presented by men folk led by Vitao Movi as well as by women society of the village.

The programme also saw various competitions on Pfusholü (folk song), Hake Hüchio (blowing of traditional trumpet) and Tsükhao Chio (traditional music).

The vote of thanks was delivered by Ngapunyi Albert Krocha, secretary of organising committee, and concluded with a benediction said by Dakhru Rhi, pastor of Christian Revival Church, Zhavame.

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