Meet Mughakali Ayemi, an up-and-coming fashion designer with a talent for transforming her passion to beautiful works of art. With five years experience in designing, her bold designs and creativity at the Aida Events Designer Hunt 2015 sets her apart. Read on for more insights into Mughakali’s world.
"Fashion speaks of who you are so stay stylish, and stay you," says Mughakali and she has many more things to say in a chat with Style Spot.
EASTERN MIRROR: What made you want to become a designer? Can you tell us about how got started?
Mughakali Ayemi: I don’t have a reason why I choose to be a designer; I believe I was born to love collection. I don’t remember how it got started. Life has been full of surprises for me.
EASTERN MIRROR: Tell us about your collection and your personal style.
Mughakali Ayemi: I love to have a collection of Shoes, bags and dresses. I put my thoughts in my designs so I wear my own designs as I feel I’m worth wearing my thoughts.
EASTERN MIRROR: Where do you seek inspiration for your collections?
Mughakali Ayemi: Am not inspired by anyone, I have my own way to do fashion; I am a woman in process. I believe fashion speaks of who you are so stay stylish, and stay you.
EASTERN MIRROR: As a designer from Nagaland, what do you find the most rewarding and most challenging?
Mughakali Ayemi: As a designer from Nagaland, I feel the most challenging would be promoting more Naga designers and not just giving a big applause after his/her show. There has to be a next step, next show, a new walk, fashions are now anticipated with some amount of anxiety.
EASTERN MIRROR: Paying attention to women’s fashion, do you have any preferences?
Mughakali Ayemi: I don’t have particular preferences on woman’s fashion as with every new season comes fresh styles. And as a designer who believes in creating and experimenting with innovations it will be out of place on my part to have preferences hehehe…
EASTERN MIRROR: What’s next for Mughakali?
Mughakali Ayemi: I am standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more I can take. I am once in a lifetime kind of woman so I try to grab opportunities that come my way. I believe tomorrow will be my day.