Bozio Nienü has been captivating listeners with his melodious voice and heartfelt lyrics ever since he entered the music scene. Based in Kohima, the passionate...
Talking Silence is an upcoming band from Dimapur with promise. The band considers originality its unique selling point. It was formed just in May 24th,...
A newly formed band “Version 2” is composed of members who have been in the music scene for some time. The band is an offshoot...
Meet Imkong Imchen, a young lad of few words, whose love for music was borne from a journey of pain. He says music is...
Meet Nahyoh Wenkhuhum who started pursuing music after a tragedy although he had a knack for things musical since he was a child. There was...
Meet the young and talented piano prodigy, Chathavi Vüprü. He recently won the prestigious piano competition, ‘Con Brio 2019’ held in Mumbai. Chathavi...
Metet Jamir is a rising musician who started singing at the age of six years in Church and small gatherings, in pursuance of her...
Instagram users from the Naga demographic will probably recognise a young lad, Meyisanen Lemtur. If not, the parody video “Bohemian Examdy” will definitely make you...
Meet Jez Vibeizonuo Rupreo the vocalist of renowned folk fusion band Purple Fusion who joined the band after it’s two-year break. Jez is ‘studious and...
Meet Imnasenla Aier, the lead actress of the YouTube channel ‘Dreamz Unlimited’. Over the years, Aier has been entertaining people with her acting skills,...