
Rhythm of Love: In conversation with Kubanglung Pamei

Published on Nov 11, 2016



At the age of 8, Kubanglung Pamei had already explored the zeal to sing with his uncle who taught him to play his first chords and his grandfather who taught him how to sing folk songs. Since then, his musical journey has been progressing each day and his stage debut was at the age of 14. Currently he is pursuing vocal classes at Mountain Music Academy (MMA) under the mentorship of Neikuolie Khezhie. The young singer who always keeps his education first says that “Nothing beats hard work” and believes that endless opportunities and platforms will come one’s way with hard work and dedication. EASTERN M2016-07-01-13-55-04-492IRROR: How would you describe your zeal for music and how did it start..... KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Music according to me is the elixir of my life. It is through music I express my deepest thoughts and my true self. I started singing at a very young age. However, I was a shy boy and so I never stood on a stage and sang, this lasted for many Years. My first stage debut was at the age of 14 and since then I have been performing in different programs and occasions. EASTERN MIRROR: What do you aim to become? Is music your chosen career or? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: From my childhood days till now, a Musician is what I have been dreaming to become and yes, that’s what I have chosen. Music is my passion and that’s what I want to keep doing my whole life. EASTERN MIRROR: Who are your inspirations? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Since Childhood I have been listening to Westlife and that’s how I got inspired to become a musician at a very early age. Apart from that, my first inspiration came from my grandfather who taught me to sing folk songs and also my uncle, both of whom have always supported me, which has helped me to get a strong grip through music EASTERN MIRROR: What is your single “spotlight” all about? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Spotlight is very dear to me which has a personal significant in my life. it speaks about my struggles in achieving my dream to become a successful musician in the nearer future. EASTERN MIRROR: As a young composer, do you have fixed objects/subjects that you rely on while composing a song? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Be it song writing or composition I thoroughly enjoy it. I should say that I’m blessed with a strong imagination through which I pen down my thoughts and sometimes my feelings on a paper. Some it’s related based on my personal life and sometimes it’s just a story which I create inside my mind by which I get strongly connected which later on leads to song writing EASTERN MIRROR: Top 5 favourite bands? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Top 5 favourite bands/Artist John Mayer The script James Morrison Imagine Dragons Coldplay EASTERN MIRROR: You’re In 12 standard and are pursuing vocal classes at Mountain Music Academy and you have achieved so much in your musical career. Do you or have you come across a stage where you had to choose only one? Like a concert and an exam on the same day? KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Yes I have come across many stages like this where I had to choose only one and I compelled myself to choose my exams first. I strongly agree that I being a student should keep my studies first and then give the rest of my time to music. It has always been hard for me to let go the opportunities I get while I’m going through my exams. However, I believe these are not the only opportunities in life. There’s gonna be unlimited stages and platforms, we just need to keep rising from where we are and the most important thing “Nothing beats hard work” EASTERN MIRROR: You favourite quote. KUBANGLUNG PAMEI: Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift from God which is why we call it a Present.