Published on May 31, 2024
KOHIMA — Asserting that language is the foundation of civilisation, Dr. Visier Sanyü, on Thursday said Tenyidie will be the foundation of Tenyimi nation and mooted an idea for making Tenyidie learning easier and simple to enable students develop interest for learning Tenyidie language.
Dr. Sanyü stated this during the inaugural session of a two-day 54th Tenyidie annual seminar organised by Ura Academy (UA) at Ura Academy Hall in Kohima as the speaker.
Dr. Sanyü, who is also an advisor of Naga Global Forum (GNF) and president of Peace Initiative in Northeast India (PINE), pointed out that language is vital for national identity and described it as the glue that holds everything together. He stated that language is shaped by the needs of culture as it changes and is like fluid that keeps shifting to reflect one another in the changing landscape of the world.
The speaker also observed that when a language becomes a purist, there is a chance for language to vanish instead of expansion or growth. He pointed out the history of English, French and Nepalese of how native languages diminish for the puristic approach.
In this regard, Dr. Sanyü opined that Tenyidie language needs to be simplified for learning from early schooling and for common communication while maintaining the authenticity simultaneously for university scholars and research purposes in order to let the language flourish.
While expressing concern that Nagamese would corrode other languages, he emphasised the need to let Tenyidie remain as a foundation for Tenyimi community with more speakers by means of inclusivity. He further commended the efforts of Ura Academy for promoting Tenyidie language.
Members of Chakhesang Public Organisation (CPO) attended the event as honoured guests in which its president, Vezuhu Keyho, informed that 10 Naga tribes are identified as Tenyimi with 5 in Nagaland and 5 in Manipur. He added that Ura Academy is one of the unifying platforms of the community.
He referred to the formation of Tenyimi Union Nagaland (TUN), which was formed last June headed by Kekhwengulo Lea with an objective to forge better understanding and cordial relations among the communities.
Commending the efforts of Ura Academy for taking forward Tenyidie language to reach University level, Keyho emphasised the need for more development with inclusion of more words from the 10 tribes of the Tenyimi.
The president also underscored the need to revive and uphold the good old practices passed down by the ancestors of what is shameful, forbidden and being respectful and stressed on the need to uphold honesty and truthfulness among the community members.
He further asserted the need for ‘Adielo,’ a virtuous word which means love, forgiveness and peaceful co-existence among the Tenyimi community. On the dispute over Kezoltsa issue, he asserted the need for benevolence and forgiveness for peaceful co-existence.
On the occasion, two books titled ‘U Pfutsanuo Nawwu Khusora’ written by Khrinyio Leruo and ‘U Tsiepfumia Nanyüjako’ written by Vilhousielie and edited by D Kuolie were released by the president of Ura Academy, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu.
Following the inaugural session, Tenyidie Kephrünuoko Krotho (TKK) conclave was held followed by competitions on solo, story writing, essay writing and poetry writing.
In the poetry writing competition, the first position was secured by Visesieü Vielie from Oking Christian School, while the second and third positions were secured by Seyiephrenuo Rutsa from Rüzhükhrie GHSS and Tazanü Hibo from Baptist High respectively.
In the story writing competition, the first position was secured by Noseronu Rote from Coraggio School, while the second and third positions were won by Neivo from Fernwood School and Visakuolie from Dainty Buds respectively.
In the essay writing competition, the first position was won by Neiketounuo Rülho from Mezhür Higher Secondary School, while the second and third positions were won by Mhalevinuo Khezhie from Khedi Higher Secondary School and Dzüzienuo from Northfield Kikha respectively.
In the solo competition, the first position was won by Rovilhou Kense from Northfield Kikha, while the second and third positions were won by Keduosenuo Kire from Khedi Higher Secondary School and Petekhrienuo Pienyü from Mezhur Higher Secondary School.
Ura Academy meritorious awards
Mengunuo Zatsu from Northfield Khikha, Kohima, received the Dr. Neilhouzhü Kire Angami Award 2024 for securing the highest mark in Tenyidie (MIL) subject in the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC).
Khriesanuo Zhale of Mezhür Higher Secondary School, Kohima, received the Rüzhükhrie Sekhose Award 2024 for securing the highest mark in Tenyidie (MIL) in Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) Examination 2024.
Kechaneiu Huozha of Northfield Khikha, Kohima, received the Nini Vinguriaü Lungalang Award 2024 for securing the highest mark in Music subject in Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) examination 2024.
Kikruseno Sirie of Oriental College, Kohima, received the A Kevichusa Award 2024 for securing the highest mark in BA (Tenyidie Honours) course in the undergraduate examination conducted by the Nagaland University.
The two day event will culminate with a valedictory function on May 31 evening at 4:30 pm.