Citizens Share New Year 2024 Resolutions - Eastern Mirror
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Citizens share New Year 2024 resolutions

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Dec 30, 2023 10:46 pm

DIMAPUR — New Year resolutions and people have a long history together and as New Year 2024 approaches, people from various walks of life shared their resolutions with Eastern Mirror.

Avino Dichao, a nursing officer from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, confided, “As a nurse, my resolution for 2024 is to continue expanding my knowledge through ongoing education. Additionally, I aim to contribute positively to the nursing community and promote a culture of continuous improvement in the healthcare practices.”

“My New Year resolution will be, no turning back, and will make sure to cut off all the toxic people from my life. Spread more love in 2024 and I also want to be rich next year,” said Aseno Vili Ayemi, a social media influencer and comedian.

 “My resolution in 2024 is to release an EP, make more music and stay bohemian,” said Kekhrie Ringa, a well-know local artiste.

Social activist Vitono Gugu Haralu shared that she wishes to pursue her mission based on ‘care economy’ concept – holistic well being of the people with special focus on artisans in Nagaland.

“For a long time, our artisans have been neglected and become a mere demonstrator for events. We need to get involved in the process and be interested in the existing Naga indigenous ecosystem in the right spirit and action, for which our ancestors have blessed us with, before we lose everything,” she said.

Keisham Damaru Singh, assistant editor of Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines, said, “As an officer, my only resolution is to uphold the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India and to carry out my duties efficiently for the betterment of society.”

“My resolution for 2024 would be creating a safe space for myself. Sometimes as a social worker, we are committed so much for the welfare of other people that we forget to reflect about ourselves. So in 2024, I will focus on myself, analyse and see where I could really find myself a meaningful journey of love and peace,” said Jenpui Rongmei, founder of Can Youth, a non-governmental organisation.

Ruth Zholia, a teacher of Nazareth School, Pfutsero, disclosed that her New Year resolution is to prioritise time management and punctuality, stress less and remain positive, especially when loaded with tasks and responsibilities, and to “become more optimistic and a better version of myself.”

Alemjungla Jamir, an entrepreneur and proprietor of Naga Bowl Express and Naga Bowl Bakery, shared, “For 2024, my resolution is to be mindful of my entrepreneurial responsibilities and set goals and objectives that are meaningful and challenging.”

 “My resolution is to pick up a new hobby, eat healthy, practice self care, not comparing myself with other moms and make stronger bond with my baby,” said Lily Khrozhoh, a new mother who’s baby is two-month-old.

Also read: Zone Niathu by The Park to ‘Unlock 2024’

By Livine Khrozhoh Updated: Dec 30, 2023 10:46:20 pm
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