Andrea Kevichusa Acknowledged For Bagging 'Best Debut Female' Award - Eastern Mirror
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Andrea Kevichusa acknowledged for bagging ‘Best Debut Female’ award

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: Jun 23, 2023 11:57 pm

The actor said believing in God and the support she received from her family, siblings and friends made her come thus far

Andrea Kevichusa acknowledged for bagging 'Best Debut Female' award
Andrea Kevichusa speaking during the event on Friday at Vuto Hyundai in Kohima. (EM Images)

KOHIMA — Model and actress Andrea Kevichusa, who bagged the ‘Best Debut Female’ at the recently concluded 68th Hyundai Filmfare Award 2023 for the film ‘Anek’, said that believing in God and the support she received from her family, siblings and friends made her come thus far.

The actress was interacting with media persons on the sidelines of a felicitation programme organised in her honour at Vuto Hyundai in Kohima on Friday.

Recalling how she started her career as a model, Kevichusa said that as an actor, the set of challenges are different from that of a model.

As an actress, she admitted that “it was a stroke of luck,” and attributed her success to the mentors and costume crew who guided her through during the acting process.  ‘It was a very smooth process for me fortunately,’ she commented.

“I was very scared because I am a very reserved and shy person and you know, I like to be in my comfort zone. But at the end of it, it comes to pushing yourself out of the comfort zone and pushing yourself to really believe in yourself and do things that you really think are not possible,” she said.

Andrea Kevichusa acknowledged for bagging 'Best Debut Female'
Andrea Kevichusa speaking during the event on Friday at Vuto Hyundai in Kohima. (EM Images)

“I am glad I have a great support system around me. I have a great family, my siblings and my friends.  So it was a very smooth transition from being a model to an actor,” Kevichusa said. 

She recalled how Anubhav Sinha, the director of Anek saw her to be “a perfect fit” for their film.

 “I had other plans in life, but God has different plans for me,” she said.

Expressing her feelings on receiving the honor during the award ceremony earlier this year at Mumbai following her acting debut in Anek, the actor acknowledged the film industry for recognising her work while thanking everyone for the support rendered during her journey.

Read: Andrea Kevichusa from Nagaland wins coveted Filmfare Award: Here is complete list of winners

At the moment, Kevichusa informed that she has no film projects coming up while apprising that she would be focusing on her career as a model.

Meanwhile, commenting on the ongoing violence in Manipur, she urged leaders from the country and the state to give all out efforts in restoring normalcy in the state through peaceful means. “I truly hope that peace really is the only solution and I hope that they will come to that very soon,” she said.

On the occasion, Kevichusa was gifted a Hyndai Verna for winning the “Best Debut Female” at the 68th Hyundai Filmfare Award 2023.

While attributing the gift to a collective effort and support from all, the actor said that the car would be a testimony “for the power of dreaming big and taking risks while believing in yourself and being able to grab opportunities that come in life.” Dr. Hovithal Sothu, project director of Task Force for Music & Arts (TaFMA), lauded Kevichusa for making  Nagas proud while conveying best wishes to her to scale greater heights.

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: Jun 23, 2023 11:57:03 pm
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