Zeliangrong Youth Organisation Nagaland Cautions Officials, Teachers Against Neglecting Duties - Eastern Mirror
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Zeliangrong Youth Organisation Nagaland cautions officials, teachers against neglecting duties

By EMN Updated: Jul 17, 2024 9:17 pm

DIMAPUR — The Zeliangrong Youth Organisation Nagaland (ZYON) on Wednesday expressed serious concern over numerous complaints and eye witness accounts of government officials and teachers neglecting their duties.

“Neglect of duty is one of the most egregious offences any official can commit,” said the student body, asserting that these matters would not be overlooked.

In a press release, the ZYON said that it has been informed about some officials being absent from their offices despite repeated requests from various civil society organisations in the past. “They have utterly disregarded the appeals and are yet to promptly respond”, it maintained.

When these officials neglect their responsibilities, it not only undermines the trust of the people they are meant to serve but also hinders the progress and development of the community, it added.

 “It is also learned that teachers of government schools have appointed proxy replacement with mutual understanding between some village leaders, town leaders,” said the student body.

Expressing serious concern over the matter, the ZYON asserted that such practices endanger the future of students who are left in the hands of “under-qualified proxy teachers”.

It maintained that officials must be held accountable for neglecting their duties, as are being paid to fulfil them, while warning that stringent action would be taken against the erring officials. It further asserted that any locals who are in connivance would be held equally responsible and penalised as per the law.

The student body also informed that it had decided to conduct ‘surprised checking’ for the welfare of the society.

“Our silence and patience should not be misconstrued as weakness”, it said, urging all to take this statement as “an appeal and final warning”.

By EMN Updated: Jul 17, 2024 9:17:28 pm
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