Published on Jul 30, 2023
Kohima — The medical officer of Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) at Jakhama, Dr. Keneilhoulie Medom on Saturday said many youth from the state are experimenting with drugs due to its odour and cheap price.
He stated this during an advocacy and sensitisation programme on HIV/AIDS, drug related issues and health camp for stakeholders and HRGs held at Jakhama panchayat hall. Highlighting on drug addiction, he stated that it should be treated as a disease, which required proper medication and support instead of keeping them in the lockup.
He said OST is a process where in opioid-dependent injecting drug users are provided with long acting opioid agonist medications for a long period and is beneficial for the users. The medical officer added that Nagaland is sandwiched between two key areas-the golden crescent point where the raw materials pass through the state and go towards the golden triangle and the end products take the same route.
“Due to the transit of drugs from the two points, southern belts require much awareness and consultation, which requires the joint effort of the community as a whole,” he said.
According to him, the golden crescent is located at the crossroads of central, south, and west Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, extending into eastern Iran while the golden triangle comprised of parts of Myanmar, Moreh, and Manipur.
Manager and counselor of SSK, NHAK, Suveto Kezo, while speaking about Sampoorna Suraksha Kendra (SSK), said that it is a people centric to provide holistic set of essential healthy services such as HIV testing, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, STI etc.
He further added that it is a complete protection centre, which aimed at reaching out to those not self identifying as HRSs (HIV) but still at risk and providing them with a cyclical need based and comprehensive package of support services that would help them stay healthy.
The programme manager of NUN TI Jakhama, Nongonu Savi, shared on the services, project objectives carried on by the network, while the importance of testing was delivered by the zonal supervisor of LWS, Mhosolu Demo.