World Contraception Day: A Vision For A World Where Every Pregnancy Is Wanted - Eastern Mirror
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World Contraception Day: A vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted

By EMN Updated: Sep 25, 2015 11:01 pm

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights remain a fundamental importance for the wellbeing and empowerment of women. Among the 208 million women estimated to become pregnant each year worldwide, 59% (or 123 million) experience a planned (or intended) pregnancy leading to a birth or miscarriage or a stillbirth. The remaining 41% (or 85 million) of pregnancies are unintended. An estimated 22 million abortions continue to be performed unsafely each year, resulting in the death of an estimated 47000 women and disabilities for an additional 5 million women. Over the past two decades, the health evidence, technologies and human rights rationale for providing safe, comprehensive abortion care have evolved greatly. Impressive gains in contraceptive use have resulted in reducing the number of intended and unintended pregnancies worldwide. More significantly, the rate of induced abortion is declining due to a fall in the rate of safe abortion, while the rate of unsafe abortion has remained relatively constant since 2000 at around 14 per 1000 women aged 15–44 years.Increase in contraceptive prevalence and in use of effective contraceptive methods reduce the incidence of abortion and prevent Sexual transmitted diseases. Evidence suggests that women who have more than four children are at increased risk of maternal mortality and childbirth riskier. Moreover teenage pregnancies are more likely to have preterm or low birth-weight babies and higher rates of neonatal mortality. Almost every one of these deaths and disabilities could have been prevented through sexuality education, family planning, and the provision of safe, legal induced abortion and care for complications of abortion.Today, the world is observing World Contraception Day (WCD), a global campaign taking place on September 26 every year with a vision for a world where every pregnancy is wanted. Launched in 2007, WCD’s mission is to improve awareness of contraception to enable young people to make informed decisions on sexual and reproductive health. It also focuses on empowering young people to think ahead and build contraception into their future plans to avoid unplanned pregnancy, abortion and prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases. The theme of this year 2015 is “Know your options: it’s your life, it’s your future, know your options”
Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) Nagaland Branch today, while observing World Contraception Day with the rest of the world strongly appeal to all reproductive age group to maintain ways for healthy sexual life; and take responsibilities of own health from getting infected to STIs and prevent unsafe abortion. FPA India programs are designed to deliver improved health and standards of living, better decision-making, and greater self-reliance. We encourage the empowerment of women, addressing the concerns of young people in a holistic manner through Sexuality Education, Counseling, Research, Training/Therapy (SECRT). We offer youth-friendly services that prepare young people for their future by building the confidence and self-esteem essential to forging healthy relationships. We also offer counseling and information on various developmental issues, including sexual health, coping with peer pressure, relationships, responsible sexual behavior, marriage, parenthood, contraception and the prevention of STIs including HIV and AIDS.
Family planning is important as it allows couples to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children. It also helps mothers and babies to stay healthier while risky pregnancies are avoided. Nevertheless, Family planning can be achieved only through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility. There are many methods available for family planning: Condom, Oral Pills, Injectables, Intra-Uterine Device/Copper-T and Permanent Sterilization known as Tubectomy and Vasectomy. Get the information of contraception, know your contraceptive options and choose one method that is right for you; it’s your life, it’s your responsibility. Take action for healthy life and let the vision for a world ‘where every pregnancy is wanted’ come true.
Ms. Ville Rhetso
Family Planning Association of India (FPA India)
Nagaland Branch, Daklane – Kohima.

By EMN Updated: Sep 25, 2015 11:01:14 pm
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