Published on Apr 12, 2022
Our Correspondent
Imphal, April 11 (EMN): To develop and promote a scientifically robust participatory methodology for springshed management and implementation of socially inclusive plans that address the vulnerabilities of women and marginalised groups to improve the overall water security in the Indian Himalayan region, a two-day training-workshop got underway at the directorate of Environment and Climate Change (DoECC) in Imphal on Monday.
According to the organisers, the training programme will focus on introduction and understanding of basic concepts in developing springshed management strategies with reference to the six-step protocol for reviving springs in the Himalaya.
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=6]Dr. Y Nabachandra, director of DoECC informed about the target objectives of the workshop, while joint director Dr. T Brajakumar delivered the introductory remarks.
Resource persons from International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal and Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), Pune lectured on groundwater and springs, introduction to six-step protocol for reviving springs in the Himalaya, fundamentals of geology and its significance in understanding hydrology and concept of aquifer.
On the second day, experts from ACWADAM, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee and People’s Science Institute (PSI), Dehradun will make presentations on hydrological mapping for identification of recharge areas, case studies in Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland besides having a discussion on training and capacity building strategies.
The training will also help in identifying potential government and non-government participants, who can be future trainers with advanced training and technical support.