Words – The Building Blocks Of Life - Eastern Mirror
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Words – The Building Blocks of Life

By EMN Updated: Jan 02, 2017 11:46 pm

So many of us make new year resolutions almost every year; sadly, many of these resolutions end up unfulfilled as we are unable to retain them from January through December. This new year, however, I want to encourage each one of us to add another resolution which will work wonders in multiplying our joy, and bring forth countless blessings our way – we need to make an effort to speak life to our family, friends, colleagues and everyone we encounter!

One might wonder what it means to ‘speak life’. The notion behind this phrase can be understood on so many levels, depending on the context and situation we are in when we speak life to others. Broadly, however, it would mean to speak blessings upon others instead of cursing them, to be positive minded instead of negative, to be generous with our praise instead of critical, to encourage rather than discourage and to emit a happy and peaceful aura instead of a gloomy one. We are all aware of the old saying that the words spoken makes a man. It is to the credit of the individual when he/she speaks good and healthy words as opposed to sarcastic and discriminatory ones. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” (Proverbs 18:21)

There is so much power in the words we speak. This importance is highlighted in the Bible multiple times both in the Old and New Testament. (Proverbs 12:18, Matthew 12:36, Ephesians 4:29 to cite a few). I am sure we have also encountered such experiences when even our random words have brought about either happiness or sorrow. Just as we reap what we sow with our deeds, the words we speak have an irrevocable effect on our lives in the future. This is the reason why it is of supreme importance that we speak life to people, over occasions and work.

Everyone and everything needs support; we cannot survive on our own. We need to speak life and bring to life even the sick or corrupt. It is such a joy to see the four lane roadway under construction between Kohima -Dimapur in Nagaland. Roads are indeed the first mark of development and to see such a positive development underway fills us with hope. We need to speak life over our government too so that it will improve and bear good fruit for the benefit of all Nagas.

I believe that the enemy attacks us based on our destiny, not our history. God has a wonderful and remarkable plan for each one of us which is unique and fulfilling. It is a rewarding experience to speak life always; it strengthens our relationship with Christ and we inadvertently become channels of blessings for others. Why don’t we mark 2017 as the year we begin this great endeavour that will remain with us and reward us our whole life long and beyond?

An interesting analogy cropped up in my head while reflecting along these lines. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. This is the temperature at which water begins to turn from its liquid to vapour form. Water only changes its state of matter at 100 degrees; not even at 99 degrees does it turn to vapour. This lays emphasis on how even one miniscule degree is essential for causing such a pronounced transformation. This is true even for us when we speak life over others.All we need is one degree change, by taking a leap of step of one degree change in every aspects of our lives. The gesture maybe insignificant in the beginning, but as we keep practising it on a daily basis, we will witness colossal changes within and around us. May the good Lord use us all for the extension of His glory!


By EMN Updated: Jan 02, 2017 11:46:40 pm
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