FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025


Where is Your Rainbow?

Published on Oct 17, 2019




W’en before the glorious Throne I bow And God asks “Where is your rainbow?” Oh, what would I tell to the Holy One, That he may say “My son, well done!”

Would I plead ignorance Of the precious Second Chance That He blessed me with Even though I did not deserve it?

Would I say “I am sorry” That I have always been in a hurry To lift my brush and paint The colours of love over sin’s taint?

Would I say “I was blind” And His rainbows I could not find In the sky of His promise To remind me that my life was His?

Or would I say, I did my best With all the colours He gave me to test On the gifted canvas of life And paint hope across the face of strife?

Whatever my response and rewards be, It’d be made crystal clear for me to see, That even though I failed to play my part, He was always there to offer a new start.

Thus the rainbows in the sky azure I behold; Reminding me of the Covenant of times old T’at God made with a passing mortal In order to fulfill HIS Purpose eternal.

A Anato Swu Satakha Town, Zunheboto