Taking serious note of the statement of BJP Wokha asking Assembly Speaker Chotisuh Sazo to step down on the ground that the Principal Bench of Gauhati High Court had set aside his order on disqualification of the three NCP MLAs who announced their merger with the BJP, the NPF said it will stand firm with the Speaker as his verdict is without any bias or partiality.
The NPF, in a release by its Press Bureau, today said the case is between the NCP and the ‘three defectors’ and pointed out that the NCP affirmed to go to the Supreme Court even if the Speaker did not give his verdict.
The NPF release also made mention of the NCP claim that there was no question of any merger as NCP still exists in the State with one MLA and functioning in full swing as a national party at the Centre.
The Speaker did not, in the slightest sense, mean to deprive or overlook the hard work, support and loyalty of the party men and women of the DAN allies at all levels, the party stated.
The NPF explained that after the tussle between the claims of the three defecting MLAs and the NCP reached the Speaker’s office, he gave ample opportunity to the three MLAs to defend their case and also undertook wide range of consultations with constitutional luminaries and persons of legal acumen to settle the matter judiciously.
“Thus, on thorough study and examination of the case, with reference to the Election Commission of India and the Tenth Schedule as well, taking a total of 69 (sixty nine) days, the Speaker delivered his verdict accordingly,” the NPF added.