UN Watchdog Says Pakistan Doesn't Deserve To Be In UNHRC
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UN watchdog says Pakistan doesn’t deserve to be in UNHRC

By IANS Updated: Nov 08, 2020 2:04 pm

New Delhi/Islamabad, Nov 8 (IANS): In an unprecedented move, the UN Watch took a scathing dig at Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan for his intolerant views and Islamabad’s inclusion in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Pakistan was recently re-elected to the UNHRC even as the country’s human rights record is one among the worst in the world.

On October 16, a French teacher was beheaded by an Islamist in Paris for exhibiting Charlie Hebdo cartoons in a class on the idea of freedom of expression.

While President Emmanuel Macron has made it clear that Islamic radicalism and terrorism will not be tolerated in France, Prime Minister Khan justified the brutal act of beheading by arguing that the teacher had committed “blasphemy” by showing the cartoons of the Prophet.

The official Twitter handle of the government of Pakistan had quoted Khan as saying that “blasphemy in garb of freedom of expression is intolerable”.

The Geneva-based rights group, which is the only UN-accredited watchdog of the global body, on Twitter rebutted Prime Minister Khan, saying: “Your presence on the UN Human Rights Council is intolerable.”

In its response, the Pakistan government accused the UN Watch of being a pro-Israel Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with evident bias against Muslims.

Arslan Khalid, the digital media adviser to Prime Minister Khan on Twitter alleged that the NGO had nothing to do with the UN.

The NGO countered the Khan government saying that Pakistan pretended to be a defender of Muslims and yet takes an apathetic stand on the human rights abuse of over one million Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province.

The UN Watch pointed out that Pakistan government instead supports and praises the Chinese government which is perpetrating genocide against the Uighurs.

By IANS Updated: Nov 08, 2020 2:04:05 pm
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