Un-regulated Traffic Jam In Dimapur - Eastern Mirror
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Un-regulated Traffic Jam in Dimapur

By EMN Updated: Sep 22, 2021 9:58 pm


The recent scene of un-regulated traffic jam in Dimapur town throughout the day is becoming worrisome and a public nuisance. Sometimes we can’t help but be left  wondering whether the Dimapur traffic police are even trained. The routine traffic chaos even on holidays and Wednesdays (partial lockdown) is proof that they are unable to manage traffic efficiently. With due respect to some few sincere and dedicated ones, many of them are mostly engaged in the corner of some roads bargaining with auto-drivers  and two-wheelers for some few hundred bucks for some paper discrepancies, etc. and in the melee, forgetting their paramount duties for which they are being paid. They seem to have been tutored properly by their neighbouring Assam police in trying to fleece out some bucks from the gullible and helpless travellers. It would be appreciated if their controlling officers roam around the towns disguised from time to time and punish erring personnel which will serve as a deterrent to all the policemen on duty.

Yours truly,

Kalivi Sümi,

By EMN Updated: Sep 22, 2021 9:58:10 pm
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