UFC Celebrates Silver Jubilee Of Its Existence - Eastern Mirror
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UFC celebrates silver jubilee of its existence

By EMN Updated: Oct 01, 2023 7:21 pm
UFC celebrates silver jubilee of its existence
Rev. Bishop James Thoppil along with the sisters of Ursuline Franciscan Congregation and other priests during the silver jubilee at Assisi auditorium on September 30.

DIMAPUR — Ursuline Franciscan Congregation (UFC) of North East Province celebrated its silver jubilee on September 30 at Assisi auditorium, Lake View Colony, Dimapur.

An update from UFC stated that the celebration began with the Holy Eucharist officiated by Rev. Bishop James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, and concelebrated by 38 priests from different places.

In his message, the Rev. Thoppil recounted the humble beginnings of the UFC sisters in Northeast through the leadership of Rev. Sr. Edilburga in the year 1975. He appreciated the committed services rendered in the diocese of Kohima and other parts of North East India.

The Bishop further stated that the dream should be realised by spreading God’s mission far and wide.

It mentioned that Franciscan sisters were fortunate enough to savour the diversity of North East India. It stated that the Late Rev. Fr. Ambrose D’mello SJ, who invited UFC sisters to join hands to empower the people of Nagaland in the year 1975, gradually grew and the mission spread to other parts of Northeastern states. It added that the region was elevated to the status of a province by Rev. Sr. Edilburga Monteiro, the then superior general, on January 15, 1998, with Sr. Jeraldine D’souza as the first provincial superior of the Northeast province.

The report stated that the province today serves 12 dioceses with 152 sisters residing in 25 communities, five sub-communities, 57 young and vibrant formees at different stages of formation and 235 Ursuline Franciscan lay associates and UF Blooms.

It stated that Ursuline Franciscan sisters have travelled along with Jesuits, diocesan fathers, Salesians, Capuchin Friars, Claretians, Franciscan brothers, Montfort brothers of St. Gabriel and the other religious sisters carrying out pastoral, social, health, educational and venturing into the ministries reading the signs of the time.

To mark the day, various competitions were conducted. It stated that the future of UFC after 10 years was beautifully enacted by the novices.

In her presidential address, Rev. Sr. Milly Fernandes, superior general, congratulated the sisters of the province and added that the silver jubilee is a celebration of God’s providential care and an expression of deep gratitude.

Quoting Pope Francis, she challenged sisters “not to cling to security but to be more of an oasis for the weary and the downtrodden, to abandon the culture of comfort and go to the periphery to serve people.” She also appreciated the sisters for diligently carrying out the mission day in and day out without saying it aloud.

She further stated that the sisters have become the channel of God’s love for the world.

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By EMN Updated: Oct 01, 2023 7:21:44 pm
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