Truth Speakers For Truth Seekers -8 - Eastern Mirror
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Truth Speakers for Truth Seekers -8

By EMN Updated: Jun 02, 2024 12:00 am

Who or what are you serving?

Just two weeks gone by- Actually not even two weeks.

The mother (Venyilu Dozo)  of a good friend had gone to her reward. Grief set in. I was out of town and could not be there with those who she left behind which is a precious husband, beautiful dedicated daughters who are continuing her vision and mission. When I came back, I heard how she had been celebrated and how many people had come and honoured her that home coming day. Her life’s motto was: “I serve a living God!” She sure had served for 50 plus years. 

How many people have benefitted of her selfless life? How many kids have passed through the school she and family set up because there was a need in the area .They followed the vision God put in all of their hearts.

This beautiful family had a praying mother behind them, no doubt. One who instilled in her children that life is about serving others. Those God would put on their path and in their hearts. Those that could not help themselves until they would groom them to do so.

Is God worth serving? Are people, children, the poor, the needy, the elderly, our parents and family worth serving?

What always sobers me up is the Masters words Who we ought to serve. Why? He is the Master. He is God. He made me, this earth, universe and all living creation. If your concept is “millions of years”, evolving from something and we all just start existing like that, dare to delve into true science and come up with proof that we somehow came out of nothing. Or can we agree that behind everything that is or was created, there was Someone that was intelligent enough to make all this work? A perfect Being, that could make planets hang on nothing and make them move in perfect synchronic order. Where there would be life, He could make life circumstances in such a way that it would not die the minute He created it. So if there was a Creator, who was He and who are we?

Can we agree that we were created by a Creator? If He would be worth serving, shouldn’t it be Someone totally loving but also totally fair and righteous. Someone whose ultimate goal was that everything He would do or create would be for the good of each other and the whole universe. That would include us. To make it more complicated , He would need to give everyone free choice whether to join Him in His cause  or join those who choose to just live for their own purposes, existence and pleasure, thinking that this life is all there is. Their train of thought is that when life is done, we will just disappear or morph into some misty spirit being. No clue of who or what it is. No relationship with it. Just live for yourselves.

Think! If He is truly loving He would need to leave plenty of proof He would be real, that He is what He said He is. He does what He would say He will do. No empty promises from His side. Since He would not be visible by the eye, He somehow had to make Himself visible as well. He did. Evidence of His existence is everywhere. Look at babies. Notice a fresh look of the One who created that little being. Look at all the amazing animals God created through His Son Jesus Christ. Is there Historical proof that there was such a person 2000+ years back? Yes!  The place prophesied about Him, as the miracles He did and were later recorded, His life is all on record. So are His 12 followers. He was indeed beaten and crucified and died a horrible death by Roman soldiers.  His resurrection, although recorded and seen by His own followers ( 500) is still debated by some. However He did appear in His new resurrected body and Spirit (read Revelation chapter 1) then and throughout the ages and still is, up till now.

Is He worth serving? If we speak from a spiritual mind connected to a God that is watching over us all the time, nudging and speaking to us all the time, broadcasting to us nonstop, the smartest thing to do would be serving Him. Why would we not? Why take risks? Can we watch ourselves? You can watch your next step but not someone else’s. God can. Do we understand the heart of God? We can If we are connected to God.  Speaking from a mind that has a spiritual substance not connected to the God described above but connected to spirit beings that are out to harm and destroy, it seems foolish to serve God. That mind thinks: Better serve those beings of whom I could get some pleasure or power for myself. I might or I might not but at least I can do “my own thing”

Wake up. There is no such thing as your own thing. If you do not serve one, you are serving the other. Wherever you serve, do it as unto God. Be it a school, company, hospital, government office, you are serving the people that God created.

“In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” If today would be the day we would face our Creator, would we be able to look Him straight in the eye? Would I be able to offer Him anything? For what we call Salvation, I have nothing to add.  But out of gratitude, I want to give Him all He asks and longs for which is those He gave His life for and wants to live eternity with. You and me.

Serve- A living God. It will be worth it.


By EMN Updated: Jun 02, 2024 12:00:29 am
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