Training On Scientific Beekeeping Held At SAS Medziphema - Eastern Mirror
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Training on scientific beekeeping held at SAS Medziphema

By EMN Updated: Aug 31, 2024 1:30 pm
Training on scientific beekeeping held at SAS Medziphema
Prof. Akali Sema, Prof. L Daiho, resources persons and trainees during the training-cum-workshop on ‘Scientific beekeeping for sustainable honey production and pollination’ held at SAS Medziphema.

DIMAPUR — Three-day training-cum-workshop on ‘Scientific beekeeping for sustainable honey production and pollination’ was organised by the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) and Department of Entomology, School of Agricultural Sciences (SAS), Nagaland University, Medziphema, from Aug. 28 to the 30th at SAS campus.

Pro-Vice Chancellor of SAS, Nagaland University, Prof. Akali Sema, and dean of SAS Medziphema, Prof. L Daiho, were the special guests in the inaugural programme, chaired by Dr Imtinaro L, head and CI, Department of Entomology, an update stated.

In her address, Prof. Akali Sema enlightened the trainees on the benefits and importance of beekeeping in maintaining the ecosystem services and increasing income of beekeepers. She also encouraged the trainees to develop entrepreneurship in apiculture.

Prof L Daiho focussed on the conservation of bees for sustainable future of bees and mankind. He motivated the trainees to learn all the different aspects of beekeeping.

During the three-day technical sessions, a total of 12 presentations were made by the resource persons along with the daily practical sessions of two hours that covered all the major aspects of scientific beekeeping.

The topics covered included importance of apiculture, classification, colony organisation and bee biology, bee equipment, bee communication, handling of bee colonies and maintenance of bee records, bee flora and bee gardens, seasonal management of bees, queen rearing, enemies and diseases, pollination and bee products and their value additions.

The resource persons for the training were Dr. Imtinaro L, Dr. Pankaj Neog, Dr. Avinash Chauhan, Dr. Hijam Shila Devi, Dr. Waluniba, Dr. Sabbithi S Pawan, Dr. Damitri and Dr. Rokozeno, all from the Department of Entomology, who also led the practical sessions and hands-on training.

The training concluded with a valedictory programme on Aug. 30 where the Dean, SAS, NU, Prof. L Daiho, the special guest, interacted with the trainees.

Altogether, 10 trainees from four different units of para military forces (Doyang, Kiphire, Kohima and Medziphema) attended and participated in the training programme along with some students.

Dr. Imtinaro L chaired the valedictory programme while the training report was presented by Dr. Avinash Chauhan, course coordinator of the training.

In his address, the special guest elaborated on the importance and role of bees in human life, especially in providing ecosystem service.

He also stressed on the conservation of all bees and to increase the honey consumption for better health. The trainees shared feedbacks and their experiences during the training programme.

The certificate of completion of training was distributed to the trainees by the special guest who also congratulated the trainees and all the resource persons on successful completion of the training programme.

Dr. Waluniba, assistant professor, proposed vote of thanks.

By EMN Updated: Aug 31, 2024 1:30:28 pm
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