The Shillong Accord And The Delhi Accord - Eastern Mirror
Friday, October 04, 2024

The Shillong Accord and the Delhi Accord

By EMN Updated: Aug 19, 2015 10:04 pm

In the Naga political movement for Naga nationhood , we have had two Accords . The former accord was the Shillong Accord in 1975 and the second Accord is Delhi Accord this year .
The current accord is only a framework and the substance is yet to be known but since it is based on recognition of the unique history of the Nagas and their political right , it is honourable and acceptable . So it is being lauded by many organizations .The former Accord was a matter of humiliation and capitulation and it was as good as an accord under duress . The political talk between the GoI and the Federal Government of Nagaland broke down and the ceasefire was unilaterally abrogated by the Government of India . The consequence was that the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act was untethered and when it was operational , the law itself perpetrated untold unlawful activities on innocent people victimizing thousands of Nagas . Cruel treatments such as hanging in suspension upside down , electric shocks , etc. were meted out to the people .
I myself when I was in a church Jubilee wearing an overcoat with Jubilee badge, I was knocked down several times . When I shouted “ Praise the Lord ” ; as I praised God , they got more angry . When I introduced myself that I am an ex – MLA , they mocked at me . So Unlawful Activities Prevention Act tremendously perpetrated unlawful activities on many innocent people .
Combing operation , clamping curfews , imposing heavy fines were the order of the day . Jails in Nagaland were full and prisoners were sent to other states in India . Under such circumstances Church leaders and political leaders have no alternative other than seeking talk with the GoI and meetings were held at Shillong and when the draft for the accord was presented , they were at a loss to sign it but they had reluctantly signed it for the sake of restoring peace . But it was not a genuine accord because it was in the name of “ Underground Representatives ” only and not in the name of NNC/FGN . It created schism among the National workers and caused emergence of the NSCN .
But Delhi Accord is an honourable and acceptable Accord because it is based on recognition of the unique history of the Nagas and their political right .We appreciate it because it is a good gesture .

Rev. L. Suohie Mhasi

By EMN Updated: Aug 19, 2015 10:04:48 pm
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