The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has begun its campaign to capture Bengal, the last frontier that the party has been aiming for. On the other hand, incumbent All India Trinomool Congress (AITC) has devoted its energy to save its citadel from BJP’s onslaught. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and a host of BJP leaders have been attacking AITC for misrule, however, Mamata Banerjee claims that her government has been one of the most successful governments in the history of West Bengal. Going a step further, she even termed BJP leaders as outsiders. In a bid to remove the outsider tag, BJP leaders are working to prove their concern for Bengal by remembering its great sons. The importance BJP is attaching to Bengal can be judged by the fact that the party’s star attraction Narendra Modi virtually launched the poll campaign back in October, more than seven months before the scheduled election. Following which, BJP leaders like Amit Shah, and J. P. Nadda have made several trips to Bengal, attended meetings and road shows, while Mamata Banerjee toured the state to propagate the success of her government. Overall, the political temperature in the state is rising fast.
As there are still a few months to go before the Assembly elections in the state, it will be a bit early to predict the winner of the battle. But it must be admitted that BJP has been able to establish itself as an alternative to AITC. The party has managed to attract the attention of a section of the populace who were on the lookout for a formidable opposition. As both the Congress and the Left parties are on the verge of drifting into political oblivion in Bengal, BJP is trying hard to fill the void. This is why leaders and workers from all political parties, are joining BJP in large numbers. Even ministers from Mamata’s cabinet are leaving the party to join BJP.
But the exodus from various parties to BJP does not guarantee victory. In Bengal, BJP faces a formidable opponent. Mamata Banerjee has not only been the Chief Minister of the state for the last 10 years, but has also not lost touch with the grass roots people inspite of being in power for a decade. The face of Singur and Nandigram agitation, Mamata’s popularity has not faded in her long political career. A fact which the BJP knows and thus has refrained from attacking her personally thus far. Moreover, Mamata Banerjee started initiatives for the benefit of the people including Swastha Sathi, a medical insurance policy covering over 10 crore people of the state. The entire premium of the scheme is borne by the state government. So, it is sure that she will leave no stone unturned to bring her party back to power. Beyond a doubt, it is a difficult choice for the Bengal electorate to decide between BJP and AITC, as both parties appear equally strong. Only time will tell which party has the people’s mandate.