The New Normal - Eastern Mirror
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The New Normal

By EMN Updated: Dec 10, 2020 10:30 pm

In a world where there is no Corona virus, Kohima, the main venue for the International Hornbill Festival would have been full of people from near and far given that December 10 is usually the end of the festival.

I remember strolling along the streets in Kohima with my family at the night carnival where one comes across lots of toys and food.

Interacting with travellers and tourists at the Hornbill festival has also been one of the interesting highlights from last year’s Hornbill festival.

And so, left with no other option but to accept the new normal I can’t help but wonder how Christmas would be celebrated in Nagaland this year.

As Christmas draws nearer day by day, it is quite unsettling to accept that all of us won’t be able to celebrate the festival like we used to in the past years.

Christmas has always been that time of the year where we spent quality time with family, friends and relatives but it looks like we still have to restrict ourselves to the safe confines of our homes.

Unfortunately, many people have also died and I believe this is the right moment for us to reflect on the quality of relationships with our families and loved ones. Taking stock of what we have left, we must rejoice every moment with our friends, relatives and family members because ‘’Precious moments are like a drop of dew, Cherish them before they dry and disappear with the morning sun.’’

How I wish it were last Christmas to spend time with our friends and family, we would gather and talk about everything we have been through this year and would pray to the Lord for taking care of us throughout the year but due to this pandemic a gathering is not possible.

In the meantime we should all be careful as scientists says that there will be a second Covid-19 wave. Therefore we must continue to take precautions, wear mask, wash hands, maintain distance and keep our faith in the Lord.

From what I have learnt through newspapers, internet and t.v, it is my understanding that for most people, Covid-19 causes only mild illness but it can make some people very ill depending on our immune system. Older people and those with pre- existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes) appear to be more vulnerable and have more chances of dying so we must try to let older people stay in and try to go out less for ourselves as well for everyone’s sake.

Despite the frightening decline of Indian economy with many businesses going out of operation which ultimately is leading to an increase in the unemployment rate among both the young and the old population. In Nagaland, it is quite encouraging to see home based businesses, such as baking cakes, masks and thrift stores and so much more which is all a result of the pandemic. Indeed, it is inspiring to see everyone do their best in the worst of times.

On the bright side there are also a lot of good changes that we see around us families are spending more quality time together, almost all civil organisations are working hand in hand with the government in fighting this invisible yet dreadful disease, we see a world united irrespective of race with a common goal to emerge victorious over this disease someday soon.

Therefore we must take precautions till then and stay safe for our well-being and other’s as well so that all of us will have bright futures and the world will become normal.

As a child, I too have a birthday like everyone else and I am going to be turning 12 on the 11th of Dec but sadly like everyone else this year’s celebration is not going to be that joyful as past years because of this pandemic but that is not going to upset me because I know that this pandemic is going to come to an end.

My rationalisation is that, I want to live in the 21st century therefore I will stay home, take precautions and obey my parents for there is blessing when you obey your parents and God wants us to keep our faith in him till this pandemic ends and do everything as an 11 year old boy can .

In conclusion, I want to challenge everyone to be the best version of themselves in these trying times.

Wangshinok Ozukum,
Sainik School, Punglwa

By EMN Updated: Dec 10, 2020 10:30:13 pm
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