
The ‘Click’

Published on Oct 2, 2016



WANDERING, aimlessly most often, is top on his list of favourites, or so it usually appears. Loitering in admiration of nature’s lovliness or soaking in sights and sounds in the environs with direct single-minded concentration and alacrity, is his skill. What he might find or where he would be led almost always stands as a matter of the least concern. His nose is a habitual rudder and guide to the most intriguing of meetings, encounters ,acquaintances and stumble –upon’s. The rewards however don’t always come in delightful packages. On a new day, a new dawn. One such jaunt took him far. How long he had traveled, he couldn’t tell .It was the happy sound of joyful laughter that drew him. The road had a gradual meander .Turning into a bend brought him to a settlement. The day was closing in and as he drew closer the happy chatter stopped. A couple sitting out on the lawn saw him approach hesitatantly. They watched him closely. The first hello broke the spell and soon he comfortably eased into a conversation with them. Then suddenly his eyes fell on her. Her slim build made her appear tall. She was taken aback by this unexpected visitor. She but though walked confidently towards him. There was no faltering hesitation in her steps as she strode forward with a welcoming smile and the gentlest of voices. The meeting took all of a few seconds but it was more than enough. The warmth and kindliness that held genuine sincerity could be sensed so powerfully that he just couldn’t miss its intensity. Something drew him to her. Was it the unpretentious friendliness or her affection and cordial hospitality? Which, he couldn’t tell. It was a force very fervent in all its simplicity. The night had set in and the journey too far-off. He had to stay. The morning following, had him up and ready to start back from where he had come. A thank-you was unquestionably required; having had a share of breakfast that she offered, he suddenly saw her leave much too quickly. Where, he didn’t know. Something tugged. He had to follow. There was a sense of belonging. She saw him at a paced distance and waved a goodbye, but a certain appeal and hold that was triggered at the first hello was inexplicable. He hadn’t expressed his appreciation yet; he had to let her know how he felt. He ran up to her, following her footsteps, and reached out to her hand. She stopped a while and sat down. This was his moment. He had to let her know the best he could. With a ecstatic wag of his tail and a wet nuzzle with his nose he said his ‘Thank-You’. She put her hand on his head and patted him. They exchanged their appreciation of this new-found friendship, knowing in their hearts that it was here to stay for a life time. ‘Buddy boy’ is the name I gave this intelligent friend of my daily help, on one of his visits to my place with her.