Style Spot: In Conversation With Tiasola Aier - Eastern Mirror
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Style Spot: In conversation with Tiasola Aier

By EMN Updated: Jun 15, 2016 12:55 am

Meet Tiasola Aier aka Soso, a 19 year old artist with a gifted hand for paint and brush. The quality of work she produces makes it hard to believe that she has no formal training in art. Eastern Mirror found this little talented teen on facebook and today introduces her on “Style Spot”.

EASTERN MIRROR: Tell us about yourself and your work?
Tiasola Aier: My name is Tiasola Aier. People mostly know me as Soso. I belong to Ao community of Longjang village. I am 19 years old. I live with my parents and my elder Brother. I am also very fond of playing sports and watching anime’s. Being a true Taurean, I hold the traits of a hard working person.
As of now I work as a freelance amateur artist. I earn through working on my small pieces of art work like sharpie on guitars, portraits and face paintings. I like to be an animator and bring my imagination to life.

EASTERN MIRROR: When did your love for paint and brush start. Tell us about your first painting/art piece? How was it received?
Tiasola Aier: My love for paint and brushes started from a very young age. I have always been fascinated by colours and would ask my dad to get me all types of crayons or colored pencils or paints. I don’t really recall anything from the past because I have a very bad memory. But you know what? I don’t seem to forget about my very first art piece. It all started when I was in the 2nd standard, very small tomboyish with bubbly cheeks. So we were given an assignment about drawings and when I submitted my drawing to the teacher she found it hard to believe that it was I who drew and assumed that an elderly person have done it. But still she praised me and I was happy.

EASTERN MIRROR: Talk us through your first client experience.
Tiasola Aier: It was in the year 2014, that I uploaded some of my art works on Facebook and an unknown person messaged me to make him a graphite portrait and I was paid a sum of Rs. 300. So that was my first cheque (HEHE).

EASTERN MIRROR: Tell us about the creative process that you go through?
Tiasola Aier: When I start my work, lots of different ideas flow through my mind and if a work is assigned to me by a client, my main goal is to make him or her impressed through the given work by putting my everything. Sometimes I don’t even sleep because I try to accomplish the projects at the earliest.

EASTERN MIRROR: What challenges do you face as an amateur artist?
Tiasola Aier: Challenges come in every field and there are a few challenges that I face like, would I even get into this profession as a full-timer in the field of Art? And of course the challenges of the demands of the client’s needs that need to be fulfilled perfectly. But by the Grace of God, I have been fortunate enough to tackle all the challenges that come my way through His blessings.

EASTERN MIRROR: Are you serious about your passion with paint and brush? How far would you like to take your passion?
Tiasola Aier: Wholeheartedly Yes! Paint and brushes and pencils just started as a leisurely treat for me but with the upcoming projects, I would definitely consider myself working professionally.
I would go as far as my talent takes me. With my family and friends by my side, there is no red light for me in this journey.

EASTERN MIRROR: What’ next for you?
Tiasola Aier: I have lots of upcoming projects. Currently I am multi-tasking on three things i.e., Sharpie guitar and a portrait and handcrafting a costume for my 3rd year participation at Nagaland Anime Junkies (NAJ) Cosfest 2016. So a humble request to all the readers to please come and support me and the NAJ Cosfest team during the 4th annual summer NAJ Cosfest which is going to be held at Kohima on the 9 and 10 of July . Time is a constraint, but I am also very excited, intrigued and optimistic for the future.

By EMN Updated: Jun 15, 2016 12:55:49 am
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