Student Bodies Condemn Assault On Member - Eastern Mirror
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Student bodies condemn assault on member

By EMN Updated: Feb 07, 2024 9:28 pm

DIMAPUR — All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU), Dimapur Naga Students’ Union (DNSU) and Soyim Shisaluyimer Telongjem (SST) have condemned the January 29 incident in which one Moalong Jamir, a BA (MC) 2nd semester student of Tetso College, was brutally assaulted by police personnel resulting in multiple injuries.

It was reported that the victim sustained damage to left ear drum, fractured spinal cord and swollen kidney due to the impact of the assault.

ANCSU expressed dismay on the brutality of law enforcement agencies for taking the law into their own hands, who are supposed to protect innocent civilian. It stated the incident has shocked not only to the family members but the entire student community.

It was disheartened to witness such blatant abuse of power and violation of the trust bestowed upon the police force by the public. It stated that the incident has not only undermined the principles of justice but eroded the faith of the community on law enforcement.

While emphasising that the actions of a few individuals should not tarnish the reputation of the entire police personnel, it however stated that it was equally important to hold those responsible accountable for their actions and ensure that such incidents are not repeated.

“The use of excessive force especially against unarmed individuals is a clear violation of human rights and a direct contradiction to the principles of a just and democratic society,” the statement read.

The union has called upon all right-thinking citizens to vehemently condemn such crime. It further appealed to the department concerned to carry out an immediate investigation and take appropriate action against those unjust police personnel.

In another statement, DNSU has condemned the assaulted meted to Moalong Jamir by the Anti Vehicle Thief Squat (AVTS).

“Such a misconduct by the police on duty and unjustly charging an innocent student before proper interrogation by the highest law enforcing agencies without legal procedure is highly amateurish on the part of the officers on duty,” DNSU said.

While condemning the incident, DNSU has sought immediate intervention of the higher authority and take lawful measures against the erring police personnel so as to avoid recurrence of such incident in future.

DNSU has further conveyed speedy recovery to the victim.

In another statement, Soyim Shisaluyimer Telongjem (SST) has strongly condemned the assaulted meted to its member.

It has demanded the officers involved be held accountable for their conduct adding that such type of attitude cannot be condoned in any society. It has demanded full investigation into the incident and delivered justice to the victim.

It further expressed solidarity with the family’s victim.

By EMN Updated: Feb 07, 2024 9:28:13 pm
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