Dimapur, May 26 : It was, indeed, a visual celebration. The Nagaland unit of the BJP on Thursday marked the completion of two years of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government “by witnessing the speech of the prime minister at Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh telecast live.”
A note from the unit issued to the local media on May 26 stated that the members of the party in all the districts of Nagaland “switched on the television to watch the first inaugural speech of the month long NDA’s two years completion celebration.”
In the BJP’s office at Dimapur, leaders of the unit “watched the live telecast of the speech along with the BJP National Secretary and State Prabhari Shri Farooq Khan and the State President Shri Visasolie Lhoungu.” The event which was to mark milestones of the NDA government was telecast at 5 pm, the press release stated.
In the telecast speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh highlighted the various “achievements of the party” that “would uplift the welfare of the people saying, BJP is for the welfare of the people specially the poor and therefore would definitely work for their development.”