Dimapur, July 11 (EMN): Along with the rest of the world, Nagaland observed the ‘World Population Day’ on Saturday on the theme “Preparation for family planning even in times of disaster. Full responsibility of competent nation and family”.
The day is observed every year on July 11 to raise awareness among the public on family planning as well as importance of reproductive health.
Dimapur: The district observed the day at the office of the chief medical officer (CMO), Dimapur.
The district has decided to observe the ‘Population Stabilisation Fortnight’ from July 11 to the 24th. During the fortnight, free family planning services such as distribution of condoms, contraceptive pills, permanent and temporary methods of sterilisation etc. will be available in all government health units, an update from the CMO, Dimapur, stated.
For permanent sterilisation, interested beneficiaries are asked to visit UPHC Duncan and CHC Medziphema. Beneficiaries would be compensated for choosing permanent method of family planning, the update informed.
It added that awareness programme in the form of one-on-one counselling and focus group discussing would also be held in villages while maintaining social distancing and other precautionary measures. Besides health topics on family planning, awareness on Covid-19 will also be disseminated by focusing on the elderly and other vulnerable population during the awareness programmes and counselling, read the statement.
Phek: In the district, the day was observed at the CMO’s conference hall, Phek, wherein Dr. Kolhitso Khalo, UIP/RCH district programme officer, highlighted various activities that will be carried out during the fortnight.
Dr. Martin Pusasul, MO of Lozaphuhu PHC, spoke on different methods of family planning, while Azenuo Mere, DCM district community mobilise, enlightened the participants on the roles of Accredited Social Health Activists (Asha) during the ‘Population stabilisation fortnight’ scheduled from July 12 to the 24th.
An update from the CMO, Phek, stated that ASHAs would visit the eligible couples and create awareness on the services available at all the health units and also motivate them to opt for any family planning method during the fortnight. Wide publicity will also be carried out in all the blocks.
The slogan “To have a stable and happy family, adopt family planning not by chance but by choice” written by Kuduvo Kezo, DPO DAPCU, won the first prize. The prize was given away by Dr. Vethihulu, deputy CMO, Phek.
Wokha: The day was observed in Wokha at the CMO’s conference hall where Dr. Khelito Zhimomi, DPO (RCH/UIP), emphasised on the importance of family planning services even during Covid-19 crisis. She noted on the difficulties faced by healthcare workers during newborn deliveries and ANCs due to lockdown.
In a keynote address, Dr. CW Tungoe, CMO Wokha, stated that the ‘World Population Day’ is celebrated every year since 1989 to focus on global population issues. Stating that the Covid-19 crisis has overwhelmed the health delivery system, he maintained that family planning services need to be strengthened even at this critical juncture.
“In the long run such steps will ensure a competent nation and family,” he added.
Deputy CMO, Wokha, Dr. Zuben Kikon stressed on the importance of maternal health and small family. Programme officers, ASHA co-ordinators and block programme managers attended the programme.
Zunheboto: The District Health Society, Zunheboto, observed the ‘World Population Day’ at the CMO’s office, Zunheboto, with Dr. K Akaho Sema, deputy CMO, Zunheboto, as the resource person.
Speaking on the significance of the day, Dr. Akaho emphasised that family planning is important for the health of a mother and her children as well as the family’s economy. He added that since parents are responsible for providing education, shelter, clothing and food for their children, family planning has an important long-term impact on the financial situation of any family.
He stated that the event was preceded by a “Mobilisation Fortnight” from June 27 to July 10 for creating awareness on population control and generating demand for family planning. He added that during the ‘Population Stabilisation Fortnight’ scheduled from July 11 to the 24th, various family planning methods would be carried out, including free services like sterilisation, IUCD and distribution of condoms, ECP, OCP, counselling and free distribution of IEC materials in all the health units and villages.
On the occasion, IEC materials were also distributed to the participants.
Longleng: District Health Society, Longleng, observed the ‘World Population Day’ at the makeshift office of the chief medical officer (CMO), Longleng, with the deputy commissioner, Longleng, M Shayung Phom as the special guest.
In a welcome address, CMO, Longleng, Dr. Obangjungla spoke on the significance of the day, which is observed to raise awareness about the effects of overpopulation on the environment, health problems faced by child bearing women and the importance of family planning. As Covid-19 pandemic has affected the people, commodities, economy and the supply chain all over the world, she stated that the struggle to cope with reproductive healthcare services has become difficult for the beneficiaries.
She also encouraged all the health units and medical officers not to let the Covid-19 crisis hamper the delivery of the essential healthcare services.
Dr. Imnameren Phom, DPO (RCH/UIP), spoke on the benefits of family planning, the right age of marriage, dangers and health consequences of early pregnancy, contraceptive options for newly-wed couples and spacing between children, limiting family size, timely adoption of family planning method, where to avail the services and other schemes. Dr. Imnameren also appealed to all the members to take the responsibility of creating awareness on the importance of family planning, adoption, gender equality, poverty and maternal health and women’s rights.
The special guest congratulated the medical department for the relentless services rendered to the public this year. With the ongoing pandemic crisis, he stated that carrying out the ‘Population Stabilisation Fortnight’ activities would be a challenge. He, however, requested the healthcare workers to maintain distance, wear gloves and masks for the safety of all in carrying out their activities.
He also assured help and support from the administration and extended best wishes to the department.