Published on Oct 6, 2022
Dimapur, Oct. 5 (EMN): Archbishop of Calcutta Diocese under the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius, will visit Nagaland from October 7 to the 9th.
An update from MGM College informed that Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius, who is also the president of St. Thomas Mission Society, an educational and philanthropic society, would announce to sponsor 25 Naga Christian students to pursue engineering courses including B.Tech and M.Tech at Christian College of Engineering and Technology (CCET) in Bhilai, Chattisgarh, for the current session.
During the visit, Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysius would preside over the second graduation day programmes of MGM College, Dimapur, where Mohammed Ali Shihab, secretary of Power department, would be the chief guest.
Aspirants are asked to contact Fr. Dr. PS Varghese, principal of MGM College for more details. Further, interested students along with their parents are asked to meet Dr. Joseph Mar Dionysiyus, chairman of the college, on October 8 and 9 at MGM College.
It mentioned that the Christian College of Engineering and Technology (CCET) was started in 1998 by late Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius, the first bishop of Calcutta Diocese, under St. Thomas Mission Bhilai, which is under the Calcutta Diocese of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
The college is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) Bhilai.
The courses offered by the college included B.Tech in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication.
Besides, it offers M.Tech in CAD/CAM Robotics, Nanotechnology, High Voltage, and PhD courses.
St. Thomas Mission, Bhilai, is celebrating its golden jubilee in 2022. It has announced various meritorious scholarships as part of the golden jubilee.