Spiritual Visions Of Spiritual Missions - Eastern Mirror
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Spiritual Visions of Spiritual Missions

By EMN Updated: Mar 23, 2014 10:54 pm

Ambrose J Chakre

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23
Every uttered truth will impact every leader who are committed to the cause and every saint who are sealed by God will experience divine sensations of supernatural mysteries which are invisible to the world. It takes trust to believe someone but it takes love to forsake all our wants and desires for the one we love. God in His mercy experienced the stings of death and torture to connect the hearts of the sinners to Himself. This act of love and truth has transformed millions of sinners to the way of truth. It was this very truth which made a mockery of the whole systems and the powers of the world by its acts of torturous death and glorious resurrection (Colossians 2:15 ).In the ages past, we read the accounts of the saints who lived and died to secure the future of the sinners in Christ. The life they lived they lived in the Spirit and the death they died they died in Christ. This spiritual imitation is an act which governs the acts of the righteous lovers of Christ. It is pertinent to understand that every righteous move we make will make inroads for more righteous acts to be initiated. There is so much power in this and whoever accepts them will be empowered by the same power which made them. In regard to the acts of spiritual faithfulness the scripture states “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it” ( Luke 9:24). This graceful illustration of truth is a radical statement of God addressed to all of His lovers who are committed to the cause of His Mission. This spiritual mission involves commitment, passion, sacrifice and the grace of God. What I say to the ones close to me is that I express my love and care for them intimately by stating that I desire to see them cry, to see them weep and to see them live in the ways of God. The point is this: We see not the miseries of the sinners and we hear not the cries of the weak because we do not have the Spirit of God in us. This spiritual revelation of a higher dimension opens our eyes to what we really are and of what we should be.
Every mission undertaken is being reviewed and whoever has what it takes to make it to the top will receive the unending favor of both God and men. God has given us His righteousness for His Spirit to dwell in us. In our pursuance of fulfilling the assigned missions, we will miss the mark if we execute in the conceived plans in our own ways. The righteous plans we make for a righteous cause will be powerful and effective when the seal and the approval of God are in it. This may seem like a sting but we trust that the best is yet to come. To make this mission more effective I would begin step by step by explaining the points emphasized. Experience is the teacher of the inexperienced and it is this very gift which has inspired multitudes of leaders to make a cut above the rest in the realm of spiritual leadership. Every honor bestowed on men should be directed to God and every praise lavished on women should be centered on God. The Word of God states “God is Spirit, and His worshippers must worship in Spirit and in truth” ( John 4:24 ). Every mission which are inspired by the Spirit will be accounted for greater glory and honor in the day of spiritual accountability.
Every spiritual visions begins in the heart and when we pursue it in Spirit and in truth the results of it gives us more hope to look on to the hope of the future. The righteous visions conceived in our minds should be acted out in love. God in His righteous ways wants us to be trained in the Spirit. A truth I always state is that the person who truly loves us will fast for us, pray for us and cry for us. This was exactly what Jesus did for us. The point is that unless we are truly controlled by love, we will never be able to love people in the way God desires of God. True faith is about doing something with the expectation to see results. Every second we waste will amount to greater loss, greater regrets and greater calamities to the unsaved and to the unreached. There are souls to be saved and hearts to be won and unless we are fired from within we will never be able to experience the full measure of God’s glory for us. The level of the love we have for people should increase with every prayer and the prayers prayed for them should always be complimented by what we are to them. God desires us to live in the Spirit and when He begins to dwell in us, we begin to see as He sees and feel as He feels. This is a truth which will make your heart heavy because of what God’s love to the sinners is. This revelation will startle you: When I was at my spiritual infancy, I fasted, cried and prayed in genuine repentance with tears in my eyes, expecting to satisfy and please God with my righteous acts of repentance and brokenness. However, the answer I got was not what I expected, God in His righteous anger rebuked me by saying “Grieve not over your own sins; Grieve over the sins of others. If you keep on crying over your own sins, millions will perish because of you and I will hold you accountable”. This statement of conviction awakened the spiritual senses in me and inspired me to take a radical step to the next radical move. That was then and this is now. This is what we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words ( 1st Corinthians 2:13 ). Think of these visions as you pursue your spiritual missions. Let the degree of love, faith and compassion in you increase as you seek to add more members to the dignified Church of Christ. This is the mission of the Church of Christ.
N: B: The current systems of spiritual administrations has been linked with the intellectual views of spiritual criminals who are hell bent on introducing new systems to distort the endorsed system of the truth. Every commissioned mission which are inspired by the Spirit will play a greater role in effecting a strong system which will further strengthen the mission of the Church of Christ. The highlighted point that needs to be stressed here is that missions which are sowed in the Spirit will be reaped in the Spirit. God is Spirit and His worshippers must serve and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. This tract had been written in collaboration with Evangelical Union Science College which has been a force to reckon ever since its existence. This glorified tract will continue to inspire, to convict and to impact the world at large in a dignified way. Every relationship is a process and we trust this is just the beginning of all that are yet to come. This is the beginning of a new relationship in Christ. This is our mission.

The writer is the founder president of Ambrose
Foundation in Christ Ministries, Kohima

By EMN Updated: Mar 23, 2014 10:54:58 pm
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