Published on May 16, 2024
On this National Plebiscite Day, let us praise and thank God as we collectively celebrate and observe this day in Kohima. We thank the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) for organising and bringing together the people and the Naga National workers to celebrate this day as a whole, we commend and praise this initiative. May God bless us all as we celebrate this day.
Today on this occasion I want to highlight the facts and history about the Plebiscite based on records over the years:
Memorandum to the President Republic of India.
i) In the year 1950 on 27th October, a 12 men NNC delegation went to Shillong to meet the Indian President, Dr Rajendra Prasad on his first visit to Assam's Capital Shillong. But the Government of Assam refused the interview therefore, a Memorandum was submitted to the President through the Chief Minister of Assam Bishnuram Medhi.
Visit of Bishnuram Medhi, CM of Assam.
ii) During December 6- 8 ,1950, the Chief Minister of Assam Shri Bishnuram Medhi visited the town of Kohima and Mokokchung in Nagaland. And he was told in all the public meetings that the Nagas would become independent.
India informed about Naga Voluntary Plebiscite
iii) On the New year's day of 1951, the Governmemt of India was given advanced information by the NNC regarding the holding of the Naga Voluntary Plebiscite on the issue of Naga Independence. Later on the Government of India was requested to send it's representatives and observers to Nagaland to witness the holding of Plebiscite vide NNC letters dated March 30 and April 11, 1951.
The Naga Voluntary Plebiscite of 1951.
iv) Early in 1951, the Naga National Council launched a Voluntary Plebiscite which was inaugurated on May 16, 1951 at Kohima by Mr A.Z. Phizo, who was by then elected to the coveted office of the Presidentship of the Naga National Council to disprove the slander that the desire for Independence was held by only a few educated Nagas.
But the result tabulated was 99.9 percent vote for a Sovereign Independent Naga State.
Visit of Shri Jairam Das Daulalram, Governor of Assam.
v) From June 14-17, 1951 the new Governor of Assam , Shri Jairam Das visited Nagaland. The Naga National Council has submitted a Memorandum for Independence to him.
2nd meeting with Shri Prakasa Former Governor of Nagaland.
vi) On July 7, 1951 a six men delegation of the NNC met Shri Prakasa, former Governor of Assam, who was camping in Shillong. The Naga delegation discussed the Naga problem with him.
Governor of Assam approached to forward result of Naga Plebiscite on December 29, 1951.
vii) A nine-men NNC delegation met the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Mr Nehru on board "S.S. Lushai " in river Brahmaputra, Silghat (Assam). A Memorandum was submitted to him conveying the result of the Naga Voluntary Plebiscite of Independence.
Rejection of the First & Second General Elections of free India.
viii) In the first and second General Elections of 1952 and 1957 the NNC decided that as a practical demonstration of the non- acceptance of India's Constitution, the Nagas rejected the Elections, the Naga people did not participate nor vote in the Election as complete rejection of the Election, so the rejection of the Election was a complete success. Mr Bimala Prasad Chaliha, the then President of the Assam Pradesh Congress who toured the interior of the Naga country, observed that apart from the Plebiscite, the rejection of the General Election was sufficient proof unanimity of the Naga Hills people for Independence and their singleness of purpose.
Stormy interview with Prime Minister Nehru.
ix) On March 11, 1952 a three men NNC delegation met the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Mr Nehru in New Delhi and discussed with him the result of the Naga Plebiscite. The interview was stormy and the Nagas did not feel that there was any sympathy or understanding on the part of India towards the Naga Issue. So depressed were the members of the delegation by this interview that the NNC decided to appeal to the United Nations Organisation on April 21, 1952. A copy of the results of the Voluntary Plebiscite was also submitted to the President, Republic of Free India.
Prime Minister Nehru invited to visit Nagaland.
X) On May 16, 1952 Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India was invited by the NNC to visit Nagaland. But this invitation was ignored by the Prime Minister.
The above are the official records of the NNC regarding the Naga Voluntary Plebiscite and the diligent efforts put in by the Naga National Council’s pioneers.
However, unfortunately the Government of India was insincere and dishonest in their dealings with the Naga political problem at that point of time, and the same old trend of insensitivity, arrogance and adamant-ness is continuing till today.
The Nagas have always stood and will continue to stand on the “Leave us alone” Memorandum of 1929, the 14th August 1947 Declaration of Naga Independence acknowledged by the United Nations Organisation (UNO), and the Naga Voluntary Plebiscite (Referendum) of 16th May 1951 which resulted in 99.9% that voted in favour of Naga Independence.
Therefore, we the Naga people must stand firmly on our rights unitedly and pursue international recognition as a people and Nation. Long live the Naga Voluntary Plebiscite.