Speech Of N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser GPRN/NSCN - Eastern Mirror
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Speech of N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser GPRN/NSCN

By EMN Updated: Aug 14, 2017 10:46 pm

At the very outset, on behalf of all rank and file of the GPRN/NSCN, I give glory and honour to our Almighty God for His mercy and faithfulness. He is the foundation of our faith and our struggle. He created Nagaland for a purpose and although we are sinners and fall short of His glory, His grace and sustenance gives us hope each day. I take this moment to salute all the departed freedom fighters who served the nation in the last seventy years. Their martyrdom and colossal sacrifices continue to inspire and lighten our path in the great journey of the Naga people. Generations have come and gone giving their best to the Nation. Today we understand more the value of life, sacrifice and freedom from political bondage.
On 14th August 1947, a day before Indian Independence was declared, we dared to define our own political destiny according to our genius. Indigenous Nagas chose to disassociate with both Great Britain and India politically. Unfortunately, the new Independent India followed the exact pattern of the British, who divided and ruled India for four hundred years, violating all international conventions, using force and aggression to occupy Naga homeland and disrespecting the will of the Nagas. Thus began the political conflict between Nagas and India which remain unresolved till date.
Naga political right and history cannot be tempered with or interpreted conveniently to suit either the Government of India (GOI) or a section of Nagas. We reiterate that when a people’s or a nation’s political fa te is at stake, it is a grave political judgement to attempt an exclusive solution. It must be noted that hurriedly signed political accords or agreements, as past episodes tells us, without the real stakeholders is futile and unforgivable. It will only inflame the patriots to explore and execute appropriate actions deems fit in order to defend a people’s sovereign right. The conflict between India and Nagas, the division within the family and fratricidal killings that followed taught us many important lessons. It was clear that for any political solution to be honourable and acceptable, the pre-requisite elements were reconciliation and unity among different Naga political groups. On Sept. 18, 2008, the Forum For Naga Reconciliation (FNR) was able to bring together GPRN/NSCN, NSCN (IM) and NNC/FGN under the Journey of Common Hope. The Naga Concordant was signed by the three Naga political groups. Marathon meetings were convened for days culminating with the Naga summit at Agri Expo on Feb. 29, 2012, in which more than 50,000 Naga citizens congregated. It was recorded for posterity. What happened later was a grim reminder to the Naga people that there are elements working against the common glory of the Nagas. Reconciliation process was stalled because the cry for Naga unity and exclusive political solution carried two different meanings. This unfortunate deviation from objective did not deter the rest of the NNPGs. Today, by the grace of Almighty God, six NNPGs working Committee (WC) has pledged to work together in the best interest of the Naga people.
As Convener of the six NNPG working Committee, I convey my deep appreciation to the Civil Societies of Nagaland, all sixteen Apex Hohos/ Tribal bodies of Nagaland for coming forward, expressing their opinion and suggestions freely and frankly to the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) on the critical issues confronting the people of Nagaland.
For taking unprecedented and remarkable decision in the best interest of Nagas and their future, I appreciate the decisiveness of Mr. Wangtin Naga and Mr. P Tikhak, the Collective leadership of NSCN(R); Brig.(Retd.) Shingnya and Gen.(Retd) Thinoselie Keyho of NNC/FGN; Mr. Z. Royim Yimchungru and Mr. V Nagi of NNC (Parent body); Mr. Kiumukam Yimchungru of GDRN/NNC; Mr. Tsangthungo Ovung and Mr. Hozheto Chophy of NPGN/NNC. The GPRN/NSCN led by Gen. (Retd) MB Neokpao Konyak, believes that despite our ideological differences, we have a common inseparable future. The formation of Working Committee (WC) has enabled the six NNPG leaders to reason together as a family and in the best interest of our people. We are convinced that through commonness of purpose and commitment to God and Nagas, we shall pursue our inherent political right. Glory, Honour and Immortality belongs to God Almighty alone. It is unwise for any man to blindly pursue them here on earth. We will not attempt to fool and cheat either Christ or Nagas.
Having understood the position of GOI on the issue of Integration of Naga inhabited areas, we want to reassure our people living in Myanmar, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Assam that in any political discourse that the NNPGs undertake in future with the GOI, the political legitimacy of our people shall be entrenched since the present boundaries were set without the consent of our people. We know our people are not confused anymore. We have been strengthened by the free patriotic expressions among the tribes of Nagaland and among the intelligentsia. Upon the strength of numerous threadbare consultations within the NNPGs and with the apex tribal bodies, I can confidently confirm that the six NNPGs Working Committee is prepared to enter into a political dialogue with the Government of India (GOI), to resolve the seven decade old political conflict. I urge our people to be mentally prepared for the task ahead. May the Almighty God grant us all the wisdom to seek and protect our inalienable right.

God Bless Nagaland!

By EMN Updated: Aug 14, 2017 10:46:14 pm
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