
Speech of his excellency, Gen. (Retd.) M.B Neokpao Konyak, President, GPRN/NSCN, on  45th Republic Day 

Published on Mar 22, 2024




"As For Me And My House We Will Serve The Lord" Joshua 24:15

I give Glory and Honour to our Almighty God Jehovah for His forgiveness and mercy. He created Naga-Land for a purpose. I also know Nagas, in their search for political emancipation, have sinned against Him. Yet, He is a truly forgiving God and so we call upon His name to liberate our people from bondage and slavery.

I take this moment to solemnly pay homage to our departed comrades leaders and followers over eight decades, who did all they could to salvage Naga rights and inheritance. 45 years ago on this day was another golden page in Naga history. We, the people chose to be a people's republic, adopting democratic  principles and values today and tomorrow.

2000 Nagas took part in WWI in Europe. In 1929 Nagas chose to be left alone as in ancient times if the Britishers left Indian shores. Nagas declared independence in 1947, Nagas conducted plebiscite of 1951. Despite all these remarkable political milestones, successive Indian governments betrayed the Naga people. 1950s and 1960s saw political Naga aspiration turn into military confrontation. This is our history.

Nagas are not living in somebody's land. We don't dwell in other's  history. Our political struggle is not about economic development. It is not about social inequality.  It is about the right to self determination. The GPRN/NSCN collective leadership and all senior national workers have their patriotic bloodline back to 1918 and 1929. All civil and military workers in the GPRN/NSCN have their fathers', grandfathers' and great grandfathers' footprints marked with glorious tales of  valour. Today there are men and women who came and joined the Naga movement in the late 60s and 70s and attempting to rewrite Naga history. This is discourteous to our history and to the men and women who pioneered the Naga cause.

Despite all the trials and tribulations in the last few decades, Today, the GPRN/NSCN is partnering the WC, NNPGs and has negotiated with the GoI without compromising on the core values of our history and political right. The spirit of 1951 plebiscite guides the present political negotiations between GOI and Working Committee (WC). We believe honourable and acceptable political solution is possible because  Agreed Position says, "...GOI recognises the political and historical rights of the Nagas to self determine their future in consonant with their distinct identity... "

I appreciate the Working Committee (WC) consisting of the leadership of  NNC/FGN, NNC(Parent  Body), NSCN, NNC/GDRN, NNC/NPGN, GPRN/NSCN . We believe in unity in letter and spirit. Courage is accepting our past mistakes and acknowledging others as equals. Dictatorial orientation is a curse that gives no space for dialogue. This is hindering the Nagas. I acknowledge the great mediatory role of  FNR, tribal Hohos, customary guardians, student bodies, mothers, churches and prayer warriors and prominent Naga civil societies during and after negotiations. The job is not finished. Let us regroup and ensure the GoI do not betray the Naga people.

The WC, NNPGs political negotiations with the Government of India has a clear demarcation of what is possible and what is not possible in the current geo-political scenario of SE Asia. The confidence and trust of the Naga people upon the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Mr Amit Shah should not be shattered. To lie to the Naga people over and over is equal to driving away the Naga people elsewhere to empower themselves.

Nagas must forge a consensus despite ideological differences. There is a clear understanding and desire on the part of NNPGs to seek a political future with the GOI which is honourable and acceptable. WC in close co-operation with Naga tribes and  apex civil societies will insist on honest dialogue, integrity, transparency at all times. This is the only accepted process available before our people. Dubiously imparting and endorsing impractical political doctrine is a great threat to the present Naga family and future Naga generations. May we all retrospect and fulfil the will of God for our people.