
Social Welfare conducts training for stakeholders on SOP 2.0

Published on Mar 27, 2022



Thangzamawi Guite along with the stakeholders after the training on SOP 2.0 at Hotel Acacia in Dimapur on Friday.

Dimapur, March 26 (EMN): State Child Protection Society under the department of Social Welfare, in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), Regional Centre, Guwahati, conducted a one-day training on ‘Standard of operating procedure for care and protection of children in street situation (SOP.2.0)’ on identification, rescue and rehabilitation of children in street situation on March 25 at Hotel Acacia, Dimapur.

An update from the Child Protection Society stated that the main resource person and assistant director of NIPCCD regional centre, Thangzamawi Guite, has emphasised on the role and importance of open shelter homes, which are unique shelter homes specifically for street children.

Guite also familiarised the participants on the standard of operating procedure for care and protection of children in street situations (SOP.2.0) developed by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

Also speaking at the programme, the director of Child Protection Society, Nokcharenla Longchar, informed that as per the directives of the Supreme Court all the states and union territories should implement the SOP at the earliest. However, since there was no clear understanding on the definition among the stakeholders, she hoped that the training would not only enlighten on those issues but also help them work together in better coordination.

It stated that the representative from an open shelter run by Community Education Centre (CEC), Dimapur, shared their experiences on working with the children in Dimapur district.

Pikato Tuccu, district child protection officer of Dimapur, delivered the welcome speech, while Rokokhriele Seuno, SCPS programme officer of IEC and training, delivered the concluding remarks.

Various stakeholders such as district child protection officers, representatives from child welfare committees, childline, police (special juvenile police unit-SJPU, anti- human trafficking unit, women police station, and railway station police), open shelter and district legal service authority attended the training programme.