Dimapur, June 24
Unhappy that the government of Nagaland continues to ignore their demands, “unemployed trained nurses” have appealed to the civil society of the state for support in seeking redress for their demand for creation of posts in the health care sector of staff nurse.
The Unemployed Trained Nurses’ Association of Nagaland issued a press release on Wednesday, June 24 listing out their grievances and alleging apathy from the state machinery. The association has appealed to the citizens of Nagaland to support the organization in its move “against the adamant attitude of the government towards us”.
According tot eh association, the patient-nurse ration as stipulated by the Indian Nursing Council is
i) Hospital : 1 nurse: 3-bed “teaching hospital”1 nurse: 5-bedded in “non-teaching hospital + 30% leave
ii) C.H.Cs : At least 7 regular staff nurses
iii) P.H.Cs : At least 1 regular staff nurse + 2 additional nurses on contract
“There are more than 1, 000 unemployed trained nurses in the state out of which 870 trained by the state government conditioned as job oriented. New training centres have sprung up producing more trained nurses every year, which is essential assets of the state,” the nurses explained in own words.
“However, due to non-creation of requisite number of post as per the norms given above, the career of the members of this association are at risk, which routinely deny the rights to access medical services to the citizen of the state. When the central government is sanctioning enough fund every year to meet the demand for medical facilities and services of the people of the state, ‘no fund’ for creation of post is the only verbal response from the government as hitherto”.
The press release also explained that during the long span of 26 years from 1989 till date, only 17 posts of nurse were created. “In a scenery where the numbers of new public health centers, community health centers and sub-centres have been increasing yearly and the existing one rapidly up-grading, requiring scores of nurses, such non-creation of post by government for the reason ‘No Fund’ as saying by the government is justified or not is a matter left to the public domain for its judgment,” the nurses said.
On the basis of the finding of the survey conducted by the group, the association said there was a shortage of about 348 posts of staff nurse and “30% leave reservation in the state as per the given norms”.
The requirement, the UTNA said, stands as it was given “without any move being made by the government. Circumstance thus, the citizens of this welfare state are denied and deprived of the requisite medical services. The same strength of staff nurses manoeuvres the up-graded medical centers and the new ones”.
“Thus over-burdened with workloads, somewhere within this welfare state, a brother, a sister, a father, a mother or a fellow Naga calls for medical services in dire need. However, due to the policy of the government, it is out of reach for many and many have met their sad end prematurely ahead of time,” the nurses said.
The association had a number of queries: “Does the project for opening new health centres include appointment of sufficient number of staff nurses? Where is the money meant for such appointment? Assassinating our career and at the same time denying the medical services to the people of Nagaland in a circumstance where sufficient fund is being given by the central government for health sector is right or wrong? Are successive government in Nagaland doing their bounden duty all these years in this sector?”
The association said that the plight of the unemployed nurses “have been addressed to the government many times through representations and we have submitted an ultimatum to agitate however, the government is not responding in any way except as given above”.
The nurses assured to take concerted steps to express their grievances against the government “on our own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the state”.
The association has asked community organizations such as councils, and other nongovernmental organization journalists, students’ community groups and the public in general to support the unemployed nurses “through the days of our poster campaign and mobilization campaign for public opinion through the print media”.
“We may also graciously be allowed to prayfully call and invite all the above entities to come and join us in solidarity on the day of our agitation as and when call for and deliver respective speeches from the perspective of the entity concerned on the issue. Sensitizing our democratic welfare government with our concerted voice will improve the health sector in the State and bring medical services to our door-steps which is basic in a democratic welfare state,” the association added.