SFS Men Undertake Gospel Tour To Nerhema - Eastern Mirror
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SFS men undertake gospel tour to Nerhema

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: Feb 18, 2024 7:55 pm
Teisovi Gerard along with other members of SFS during the visit to St. Joseph Church in Nerhema on Sunday. (EM Images)

NERHEMA — To mark the Lenten season, male members from St. Francis de Sales (SFS) Parish in Kohima town undertook a gospel tour to St. Joseph Church in Nerhema on Sunday.

Adorned in tradition attires, the male members of SFS along with fellow parishioners of the church community attended the service.

Speaking at the service, Teisovi Gerard, gave insights into the selection process of Scripture passages for the forthcoming five Sundays of Lent leading up to Palm Sunday. He also underscored the importance of the period which signify spiritual reflection and preparation while commemorating the Lenten season.

Gerard explained that the Old Testament readings from Genesis, Exodus, Chronicles and the Prophet Jeremiah illuminated the history of salvation.

He also noted that the epistle in the New Testament explores themes such as baptism, incarnation, cross, grace, connecting the events of Old Testament salvation history and the gospel.

He elaborated that the gospel readings commenced with the narrative of Jesus’ temptation and transfiguration, gradually guide the faithful towards an understanding of the forthcoming new covenant, which culminated in Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection on Easter Sunday.

He emphasised the importance of deliberate meditation on Scripture during this season, which could strengthen Lenten observances of prayer, fasting and abstinence, leading to abundant spiritual growth in one’s life.

Lent is a solemn religious observance in the Christian liturgical calendar, traditionally observed by Christians. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later just before Easter Sunday.

Lent commemorates 40 days of Jesus fasting in the desert as described in the Bible. It is often a time of fasting, repentance, prayer and self-denial for believers as they prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter.

Vashümo Victus, president of Thepfuko Krotho SFS (the men’s association of SFS), highlighted that the gospel tour was a planned event as part of their annual calendar.

The service was chaired by Catechist Vikhozolie Victus, while a prayer was said by Catechist Ketsilhoukho Francis. Rükhezolie John, Mengutuonuo Margrete and Catechist Francis P Kiewhuo read the Scripture during programme.

Ngulalie Augustine invoked God’s blessings over the offertory, while Thepfuko Krotho SFS, Diezevilhou Denis and Meyachalie Marcus presented songs. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Neilakuolie Nicholas.

By Menuse-O Max Khieya Updated: Feb 18, 2024 7:55:02 pm
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