
Seminar on archaeological monuments held in Dimapur

Published on Feb 7, 2015



DIPR DIMAPUR, February 6 A national seminar and workshop on conservative and restoration of archaeological monuments in India’s North East, issue and challenges, during 21st Centuary AD in collaboration with archaeological survey of India, New Delhi and Society for Cultural Heritage for North-East India was organised by the Global Open University, Nagaland at its Dimapur Campus, Sodzulhou village, Dimapur today. Chancellor of the Global Open University, Nagaland, T.N Mannen IAS (Rtd.) who was the chief guest on the occasion in his speech expressed the lack of people’s appreciation on the importance of archaeology including the educated and intelligent section of people. Archaeological and heritage sites are neglected as there are no concerted efforts to conserve and develop the few identified sites thereby losing its importance and expansion, he said.India is a diverse and pluralistic society which have been blended and balance to create Unity and beauty in diversity. Any imposition or neglect of any section or sector will upset such balancing task of social harmony and may even rock the very foundation of democratic governance system. Listing a recent example of the Delhi polls where the BJP party in their vision document has mentioned the north east people as “immigrants’’ which provoked spontaneous reaction from the people and political parties of the region. He hoped that the leaders would be wise and magnanimous enough to mend the mistake and smoothen the hurt feelings of the people of the region. Through the region is rich in naturals resources and minerals yet it remains one of the most backward regions in the country, due to various constraints and disadvantages since India’s independence. High sounding grant programmes like the “ Look East Policy” has really not taken off, special consideration for any development and funding have been more than real, and we have not been able to convert our natural advantages into economic advantages so far. The region stands at a crucial cross-road demanding closer geographical, economic and emotional integration with the mainland India. He called on the Archaeologic Survey of India (ASI) to guide and collaborate with State Archaeological departments/Directorates which also look after such monuments of lesser importance nevertheless important to understand development of human history of growth and evolution at various stages and times of their life journey which is found to be relatively unorganized and under development in the region. Important sites of the state such as Khezhakenama, Chungliymti, Maram etc. which were the migratory routes and habitats of Nagas in the past of their father dispersal and Khonoma the battle ground of the British invasion, Impur (church) the first missionary HQ in Naga territory can all be considered as heritage sites. Angh morung of Konyak tribe, skull collection of head hunting days need to be surveyed and documented. Original tribal art facts, tools, implements and ancient costumes are important museum art facts which need to be researched and preserved. The journey into the past is a search for roots which is very important and will enhance the wealth of the nation and society, he added. On the occasion the chief guest inaugurated a photographic exhibition of monuments of the region. Head of department History and Archaeology, Nagaland University Prof. N Venuh who was the guest of Honour in his short address stated that the state government is yet to realize the importance of conservation and excavation. He called for the collaboration between the ASI and Archeology department of the Nagaland University. He said that excavations have been going on at some place/ or sites including at the Nagaland Burma border area which have been giving new insights into our past , yet there are still many sites which have to be excavated. The program was chaired by the Vice Chancellor, T Gou, Dr H.N Dutta. Other luminaries and archeologists who attended the seminar includes Dr. Milan Chouley,Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeologist Survey of India, Guwahati circle Dr. Syed Jamal Hassan, Director, Excavation Archaeologist Survey of India, New Delhi, Dr. S.K. Manjul , Director, Institute of Archaeologist Survey of India, New Delhi and Dr. Neeta Das, Conservationist 13, Charu Avenu Kolkata-33, besides participants from sister states of North East.