Published on Feb 21, 2024
DIMAPUR — School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development (SASRD), Nagaland University: Medziphema campus, under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Honeybees and Pollinators (AICRP-HP), conducted a one-day training programme on “Scientific meliponiculture and apiculture for increasing farmer's income and entrepreneurship development” on February 16.
The inaugural programme was chaired by Prof. L Daiho, dean of SASRD, while the pro vice chancellor, Prof. Akali Sema, and former pro vice chancellor, Prof. Aleminla Ao, attended the training as the special guests in the presence of Dr. Watimongla Jamir, principal of IETC and director of SAMETI, and Dr. Stephan S Hannah, senior scientist at NRC Mithun.
The training began with an invocation prayer said by Dr. Rokozeno, while the welcome address was delivered by Dr. Avinash Chauhan, principal investigator of AICRP H&P, who also briefed about the status and role of honeybees and other pollinators in maintaining the agro ecosystems and potential of scientific beekeeping in increasing farmer's income.
An update from SASRD stated that Prof. Akali Sema gave insights about the achievements of the AICRP H&P and also deliberated on scientific beekeeping, while Prof. Aleminla Ao shed light on the genesis of AICRP H&P scheme and the milestones achieved in the last 15 years. She also maintained that bees are important for the sustenance of human beings and other life on earth and how the beekeeping could be taken as an entrepreneurship venture.
Dr. Watimongla Jamir stressed on the development of entrepreneurs in different field of agriculture and horticulture. She also discussed the natural farming and integrated farming systems for better sustainability.
Topics on apiculture for entrepreneurship development, wild bees and their role in management of agro ecosystems, bee biology and the importance of using scientific bee boxes and other bee equipment over traditional ones for scientific management of Apis cerana and Apis mellifera were discussed during the training.
The participants were also enlightened on management practices for quality honey production, proper storage of bee products, labeling and marketing for getting better prices and increasing income.
Participants were also sensitised on the conservation of honeybees and other pollinators, which indirectly and directly help in increasing the crop productivity.
The training programme was attended by more than 125 farmers from five districts of the state.
The resource persons were Prof. Ataur Rahman, former HOD of Entomology at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat; Prof. MK Deka, principal scientist and PI AICRP H&P at AAU, Jorhat, Assam; Dr. Otto S Awomi, assistant professor of B.Voc at LBC, Vihokhu; and Dr. Avinash Chauhan, PI, AICRP H&P at SAS: NU Medziphema.
The training concluded with the distribution of bee equipment and certificates.