Ruckus In Parliament - Eastern Mirror
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ruckus in Parliament

By The Editorial Team Updated: Jul 31, 2022 10:44 pm

In a democracy, parliamentarians have been entrusted the job of strengthening the democratic set-up, by raising and debating over issues related to public welfare, which includes various socio-economic and security related subjects. Now, it appears that our MPs have forgotten their responsibilities as disruptions of parliamentary proceedings at the slightest pretext have become the order of the day. The trend should be arrested immediately before the people lose faith in democratic values,  a system considered to be the best option to rule a country. On viewing the proceedings of the first nine days of the Monsoon session of the parliament, such apprehension becomes more real and threatening. For the last nine days, both houses of parliament have witnessed sustained bedlam, controversial remarks, unruly behaviour, suspensions, etc. causing huge loss of time and money. The parliamentarians should be told in no uncertain terms that they are duty-bound to debate-discuss and decide about the course the nation should take to face various socio economic challenges. It is not the venue to indulge in political one-upmanship as such acts hamper the very essence of democracy. It should be remembered that democracy is not all about majority rule or winning elections. Its principal task is to provide justice irrespective of numbers. Differences of ideology or opinion will always prevail, but it should not cause animosity between various sides participating in a democracy.

From the very beginning of the Monsoon session, the opposition has demanded discussions on issues like price rise, inflation, Agniveer scheme, etc. On its part, the government has expressed willingness to discuss all the issues at a convenient time and in a proper manner; a stand which according to the opposition parties doesn’t go well with parliamentary practices. The best way to solve such an impasse is to hold an all-party meeting. Unfortunately, no one has shown any inclination to settle the dispute amicably through dialogue. As both sides stick to their grounds, over 20 opposition MPs have been suspended for creating ruckus in the house. Surely, this is not the way a democracy functions. The majority will always be compassionate towards the minority as per the ethos of democracy. Patience and persuasion are the two skills required to make a democracy functioning. On the other hand, the opposition cannot claim a clean chit on the pretext that it is demanding discussion on issues related to common people. There is a procedure to discuss issues in parliament and it should be followed without fail to create a conducive atmosphere for discussion. It is unlikely that any government will succumb to pressure tactics like sloganeering or rushing to the well of the house. Instead, proper notice should be given and await the allotted time for discussion as given by the business advisory committee. With just a few days left for the session to end, one can only hope that good sense will prevail and some meaningful discussions will take place in the parliament to keep the people’s faith in democracy intact.

By The Editorial Team Updated: Jul 31, 2022 10:44:46 pm
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